Author Topic: The Looking Glass World Of "Climate Injustice" -- Part II  (Read 128 times)

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The Looking Glass World Of "Climate Injustice" -- Part II
« on: September 10, 2021, 01:47:11 pm »
The Looking Glass World Of "Climate Injustice" -- Part II
September 05, 2021/ Francis Menton

This is Part II of what will now be a series titled “The Looking Glass World Of ‘Climate Injustice.’”  The original post in what is now this series appeared way back on April 11, 2014.  The thesis was that while climate campaigners prattle on about very minor supposed differential impacts of “climate change'“ upon the poor,  at the same time the same campaigners demand schemes to intentionally devastate the economic situation of the poor by decreasing the availability and increasing the price of energy.  The particular focus of the April 2014 post was policies advocated by the U.N., although the reasoning would apply equally to all national and international schemes to reduce carbon emissions.  Excerpt:

Given the serious hardship faced by the world’s poor in the absence of energy access, one would think that a top priority of the U.N. would be finding ways to achieve that access as quickly, as cheaply, and as reliably as possible. But in fact, under the banner of so-called “climate justice,” the U.N. is doing exactly the opposite. It is doing its best to hobble, hinder and obstruct development of the cheapest and most reliable sources of energy in the third world, . . . 

Fast forward seven years to today, and we now have the Biden administration going all in on the embrace of what they call “environmental justice” as the prime motivation behind trillions of proposed dollars of spending to transform the nation’s energy economy.  It all kicked off with Biden’s January 27, 2021 Executive Order, commanding that all government agencies adopt a new focus on this “environmental justice” thing.  Excerpt: