Author Topic: INCOMING! The latest Muslim invasion of the West: Afghan edition  (Read 167 times)

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INCOMING! The latest Muslim invasion of the West: Afghan edition
« on: September 07, 2021, 05:42:43 pm »
INCOMING! The latest Muslim invasion of the West: Afghan edition

September 6, 2021 by BareNakedIslam 7 Comments

You can be sure that the Biden Regime will be dumping the staggeringly large number of Afghan freeloaders posing as “refugees” (aka Democrat voters) in the predominantly red/Republican/Christian states of America. In Europe, they will be dispersed among the welfare-generous EU nations including Germany, France, Sweden, and the UK, already overflowing with Muslim invaders.

Certainly, of of the 50,000 – 100,000 Afghans that Biden plans resettle in the US,  only a tiny percentage of them are actual translators/interpreters and their families.