Author Topic: Cruz v. Graham on ‘Infrastructure’ Monstrosity – Swamp Drainer vs. Swamp Creature  (Read 62 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Legal Insurrection 8/8/2021

Graham has destroyed–in supporting a pork-stuffed, racist, and unpaid for package–whatever good will he had among the base of the Republican party

Okay, so the joke is on me. Yes, I really thought that Sen. Lindsey Graham had broken free from the RINO McCain sphere of influence and wrangled himself a new (kind of badass for a Southern gentleman) image.

He seemed to get it. Remember this?

Well, just forget it.

Graham destroyed whatever goodwill he may have built among the Republican base by gloating about the generous pork he is bringing home from the Biden “infrastructure” bill and all the pork that other sell-out Republicans are bringing home to the constituents they think care more about pork buy-outs than the future of our Republic.

Can anyone be more clueless, less in touch with the GOP base than Lindsey Graham at this moment in time? I think not.

Graham is acting like nothing we ever said matters, like our electing Trump didn’t matter, like he can just sail back to his pre-Trump and anti-American Swamp Thing perch. From that perch, he may keep his standing, but forfeits his soul. Apparently happily.

Lindsay Where’s a Commie With Whom I Can Snuggle? Grahamnesty, simply doesn’t care that we, the people, have zero interest in dragging the GOP back to its pre-Trump elitist big taxing, big pork, big government, big regulation, big spending ways. The very things over which Graham is preening over. It’s truly disgusting.

How dare Graham preen about his enthusiastic support for the absolutely horrendous, pork-stuffed, swamp-stinking, job killing “infrastructure” bill? How dare Graham ignore the tens of millions of Trump supporters who reject this bill on its anti- and un-American merits?
