And this is the ravings of a supposedly intelligent man? For all the whining accusatory diatribes of a minority of women, transgender individuals and black folks the attacks, hate and racism that I see and hear are from them against Whites, both men and women that are conservative and heterosexual. What does it say about a supposedly intelligent and very successful Black man that he has to cry about non existent(except for White democrats) Bogeymen?
I don't hate Blacks as a race, I hate Blacks that want to kill me or rob me whether it's by force or blackmail for something some democrats did almost 100 years before my family came to America and longer than any American alive. I don't hate Queers, Gays, alphabet soupers or whatever the hell they call themselves this week, I hate people that try to ram their biologically suicidal evolutionary branch of Homo sapiens down my throat as normal while condemning me as a heterosexual of being perverse. I don't hate transgenders, I look upon them as mentally ill, I hate so called transgenders robbing our girls and women of their victories in girls and women's sports and their opportunities for scholarships. Also I really hate perverts that use the transgender lie to access our girls and women in restrooms and showers. Women, I love WOMEN! I hate females of the Harpy persuasion that think they deserve whatever they want just because they are female but are gleefully throwing other natural born females under the bus in favor of mental defectives that are man but pretend to be women. Oh and I absolutely hate WHITE men almost always of the democrat persuasion that party of slavery and the KKK that slander decent White men and women conservatives of being guilty of slavery, members of the KKK, racists, bigots and just all around hateful.
To paraphrase Wil Smith's character in I Robot, Dyson is the dumbest smart man I know.