Author Topic: International Energy Agency report shows that green energy transition is a fantasy because of depen  (Read 165 times)

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Monday, 17 May 2021
International Energy Agency report shows that green energy transition is a fantasy because of dependence on key rare minerals

From: American Thinker, 5/13/21  (LINK)

By Thomas Lifson
> A prestigious intergovernmental organization created by the world’s advanced economies is pointing out the bottleneck in the plans to substitute so-called green energy for hydrocarbon-based energy: the availability of key minerals necessary for battery storage, wind farms, solar panels, and other gizmos necessary for the switchover. Simply put: the world can’t provide the quantity of those minerals that would be necessary, and the environmental and social impact of trying to mine them in sufficient quantities would be devastating.
> The cure, in other words, is worse than the disease.   You can download the 287-page report here.
> The International Energy Agency is an intergovernmental organization founded by the OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis to provide information and policy suggestions to help the advanced economies cope with energy needs. It currently is focused on the green energy transition so desired by many of the world’s most powerful special interests.