Author Topic: Biden Shoves Hundreds of Thousands of Migrant Kids in Overcrowded Makeshift Shelters With No Legal  (Read 152 times)

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Biden Shoves Hundreds of Thousands of Migrant Kids in Overcrowded Makeshift Shelters With No Legal Oversight Required

Liberals bet all of their chips on Joe Biden cleaning up the mess at our southern border. They counted on his grandfatherly-like compassion kicking into high gear. Instead, he’s stuck in neutral and leaking oil while our Border Patrol personnel are in crisis. What do you do with the thousands of new migrants surfing the tsunami to American soil daily? Especially when their mostly unaccompanied kids.

Here’s a thought. Let’s pack the kids like sardines into mass shelters while we work out the logistics of the problem. That’s what the Biden administration has been doing. There’s a network not widely recognized. The network consists of 200 tucked out-of-sight facilities where unaccompanied migrant children are being comfortably housed in prestigious surroundings. Now. Would you like to hear the truth?