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Name an Election Czar to Focus on Protecting the Constitution

Nov 9, 2020

RUSH: Folks, here’s where we are with this. It is vital that our constitutional framework be protected. This recount, this canvassing, this investigation must occur. It must take place. The Founding Fathers of our country knew that there would always be intense political battles.

They knew that there would be bad actors. They knew there would be people trying to undermine what they had founded, what they had created. They knew it. They were not naive. They knew from the moment they founded the United States that it would be a threat to an entire group of people or many groups of people around the world.

They created defense mechanisms and insurance policies as best they could, starting with creating three branches of government to ensure a government of law, not of men. You have heard the phrase, “a government of law, not of men.” There are checks and balances throughout our system.

It is very important that there are clear, specific facts presented in a very scholarly and concise way as this investigation going forward that institutions, American institutions are revered, respected, and protected. What I mean here is it’s great that we have anecdotal evidence, it’s great that you can get a phone call from somebody, somebody who says they saw X-number of ballots being tampered with or they saw this or they saw that.

That’s all well and good, but that’s not gonna change anything. They all need to be investigated, and they all needed to be tracked down, do not misunderstand. But there need to be very clear, specific facts presented in a scholarly and concise way. I have been urging people all weekend to name an Investigation Czar, a Vote-Count Czar, whatever you want to call it.

This is a single person that the Trump administration sends out every day to update the people of this country on the latest of the investigation into every state, into every allegation of voter fraud in every state. You’ve got your staff trackin’ all this stuff down. You have your czar or your figurehead who leads the investigation, who takes in all the information.

He’s got a staff. They codify it each and every day, and they report to the American people in an honest, straightforward, factual way — and there will be plenty of information to report. There will be plenty of information to gather. There was plenty of fraud that took place. There’s simply no way Joe Biden was legitimately elected president. I just can’t believe it.

I do not believe it, intellectually — and as I look at what I have learned and what I have seen over the course of the past four or five days, there’s simply no way. And I have an idea. I got an idea. Let’s unify the country… See if this idea will float. Let’s unify the country by conducting a massive investigation of vote fraud, and let’s make Trump look like a fool, right?

That’s what they want. So let’s do this massive investigation, ’cause Trump says it’s fraudulent here and fraudulent there — and everybody knows Trump’s an idiot, and everybody knows Trump’s a fool. So let’s do this! Wouldn’t the left want this? Wouldn’t the left want there to be documentary evidence that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about?

And the only way to get it is a full-fledged, serious, nonpartisan investigation into what happened. Are you with me on this, Democrats? Probably not — and if you’re not, why not? Why wouldn’t you want to join this? What are you afraid of being discovered, if you won this thing legitimately, and if there wasn’t any chicanery?

We got all the time in the world. Algore had 37 days to monkey around in one state. We’ve got to get this right. Folks, the history and future of this country depends on us getting this right. If we do not get this election right, if we do not get the votes counted correctly, tabulated correctly, then we’re gonna lose all integrity in elections.

The Democrats have been attempting to do that with four years of being critical of Trump being an illegitimate winner in 2016 by saying he tampered with the Russians, colluded with the Russians, meddled with the Russians, when the Russians didn’t do anything. There wasn’t any meddling or collusion.

They’ve already damaged the integrity of our elections way too much, and they predicted the Russians were gonna be involved in this election until they say Biden is the winner. Now we can’t even find the Russians being anywhere near involved. This is about the future integrity of elections. We cannot have a country where 70 million voters don’t trust the outcome, and that’s where we are right now today.

Now, I submit to you the left doesn’t care. All they want is the win and everything that goes along with it. They don’t care about the integrity of elections. They don’t care about your opinion. They don’t care about having to persuade you to agree with them or any of that. They don’t care. They just want you rendered irrelevant — and if they have to go so far as to not count your votes, that’s exactly what they will do.

The rule of law, the Constitution, efficacy have to dominate using a targeted approach here in how we track down the fraud and how we present it to the American people. If presented in the right way, this can be a very effective, laser-focused message. It can help in the primary objective, which is to protect the integrity and the honesty of the American presidential electoral system — and this must happen.

We can’t go forward as we are right now with so many people distrusting it.


RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, we must put our energy and faith into the founding principles and ideals of this country. That is what is going to get us through this. The founding documents of this country, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, it’s all there. If those documents, particularly the Constitution, if they are adhered to, because the Constitution is the rule of law, if that is adhered to, we will get to the bottom of what happened. And that’s where our energy and that’s where our faith must be.

It’s actually a teachable moment. It’s a golden opportunity to teach relevant aspects of our founding documents that have not been properly taught. And I don’t mean we need to get into the weeds on things. We don’t need to make it complicated. But there is a way to do this. And that’s all I’m focusing on. And I don’t want anybody to be mad at me or misunderstand.

I’m not saying that the individual anecdotal stories of fraud here and fraud there are not valuable. I’m not saying that they aren’t worth it. But we don’t build the case with scattershot examples. We take all those examples and we put them into the central clearinghouse run by what I hope will be the Election Czar. The Election Czar will have a staff. He will take all this — this is my dream, this is my hope — take all of that in, along with the official investigations the Trump administration has mounted, along with all the assistance of the United States Supreme Court, like Justice Alito.

If Alito prevails in Pennsylvania, do you realize Pennsylvania could flip to Trump? If the ballots that were submitted after November 3rd are rendered irrelevant and are said not to count because they violate the law? This is big. But we need to go about this in the strict constitutional, legal fashion with no politics attached.


RUSH: Haven’t we been told for four straight years, ladies and gentlemen, nothing is more important than safeguarding our elections? Isn’t that what everything the Democrats did the last four years was based on? First the phony Russian coup, which was designed to get rid of Trump because he stole the election? Of course we know it’s all BS. Not a single fact in it.

But look at what they said. The integrity of our elections is paramount. Then they do the impeachment. And that’s based on Trump making a phone call that somehow violated the integrity of the presidency and so forth and so on because it was investigating the family of his potential presidential opponent, Joe Biden. They said we must safeguard our elections. Now they’re not interested in it. Now they not interested in getting to the bottom of what happened. They want the perception that this thing was stolen to take hold. They don’t want you to think that. They are happy with the outcome to the point that if 70 million Americans think the election is not aboveboard, that’s okay with them. They don’t care.

Safeguarding our elections is no longer a concern. It really was a big concern when Al Gore wasn’t happy back in 2000. We spent 37 days safeguarding that election. Thirty-seven days. That was basically a three county, one state investigation. And there was no thought of shutting down that investigation early like there is this one. What are they trying to hide?

Now, let me show you what I’m talking about when I talk about a czar or a central figure operating a clearinghouse, dispensing information to people every day. This happened, by the way, during the Gore-Bush recount. And there were two people, maybe three. James A. Baker III was George W. Bush’s lead guy, and he had a spokeswoman by the name of Margaret Tutwiler, and Mary Matalin was occasionally involved in that effort as well. But it was just those three. That’s where you went to get the latest on the hanging chad controversy from the George W. Bush team side.

And last night on Life, Liberty, and Levin on the Fox News Channel, Levin spoke with Ken Starr about the Constitution. And when I talk about a czar, I’m not suggesting it should be Starr, although he might be good in this role, because you need somebody serious, you need somebody scholarly, and you need somebody who is unattackable, unassailable on a partisan basis. Clearly that is not Ken Starr.

But listen to what he says and how he says it. It’s right up the ally I think we all need to be going in terms of dealing with getting this fraud discovered, exposed, and overturned. So the first question from Levin. “Article II, Section 1, clause two of the Constitution provides as follows: Each state shall appoint in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct a number of electors equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in Congress. So, in other words, state legislatures determine how to select their electors. Isn’t that what that means?”

STARR: What happened in Pennsylvania over these recent weeks is a constitutional travesty. Governor Wolf tries to get his reforms, his vision, as he was entitled to do, through the legislature, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He failed. He then goes to the state Supreme Court, which by a divided vote, accepted the substance of what Governor Wolf was doing and added their own nooks and crannies as well. Happily, in recent days, we’ve seen Justice Samuel Alito step in — as a single justice he has the power to do it — and essentially, in a very short order, say the legislature is the boss. What the governor did — this is my interpretation — is utterly unconstitutional. What the Pennsylvania Supreme Court did is utterly unconstitutional.

RUSH: That is the kind of information that needs to be sent and transmitted to the American people by a credible czar every day as the information is gathered, somebody who can make it understandable, like me. I mean, I am not the czar. Don’t missunderstand. But somebody who can make the complex understandable. What Starr has just said here is the governor of Pennsylvania doesn’t have the power to do what he did. It’s not in the United States Constitution. Justice Alito saw what the governor did and immediately stepped in and said you’re not gonna do it that way. Justice Alito then ordered the separation of all post-Election Day ballots in Pennsylvania.

“On Friday evening, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who received the petition because he is the justice responsible for that region, approved the GOP request for now, ordering county boards to comply with state guidance to keep the late ballots separate,” because they might end up being thrown out as illegal.

However, “Even if the high court were to ultimately side with the Republicans, the impact,” it says here, “would likely be muted: Pennsylvania officials said they are already setting aside the small number of mail ballots that have arrived since Tuesday.”

No, they weren’t. That’s why Alito jumped in there. They were not setting aside a small number, a large number, any number. It’s why Alito had to issue the order twice. By the way, that small number is somehow large enough to wipe out Trump’s 700,000 vote lead? This is not a small number. We go to bed, those of us who did, on election night. Trump’s up 700,000 votes. In the 2016 election, throughout the night Trump’s vote totals kept being added to. They kept finding more votes.

Lo and behold, Trump has a 700,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania, and they stop counting in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, the two largest Democrat sections of the state, they stop counting no doubt to find out how many votes they’re gonna need and then overnight while most normal people are asleep the magic happens and the 700,000 vote majority starts to vanish, 700,000 vote lead. And it’s gone.

And nobody saw how it happened. So there will be an investigation into this. The Trump team has vowed they are going to investigate this. Let me give you another example of Ken Starr, who was on with Levin last night, Life, Liberty, Levin, the Fox News Channel. Question: “We keep hearing ‘count every vote.’ Isn’t that the issue precisely, Judge Starr? Which votes do we count?”

STARR: Exactly right. In fact, to count every vote may be a crime. It may even be a crime under federal law. It’s definitely a crime under state law. If that is said, here’s the keyword, illegal. And that’s why you see. And it’s shameful that vice president Biden’s people and the vice president himself are saying count every vote and selling a lot of T-shirts. That is a potential and an invitation for absolute lawlessness.

RUSH: Again, this is the kind of information that needs to be imparted officially from the Trump administration via the recount or the investigation or the Election Czar, whatever the title is. Exactly right. In fact, to count every vote maybe a crime. Because some of these votes are illegal, folks. Some of the votes are illegal. They’re illegally placed, they’re illegally tabulated, they’re illegally made, some of these ballots were filled out after the fact. You’ve heard the anecdotal stories. Finally our last comment — I just wanted you to hear this, as though this is an official Election Czar giving you a report on the day’s activities, the results of the ongoing investigation that they are conducting.

STARR: It was very clear from the outset that what the governor did and what the state Supreme Court did was utterly unconstitutional. So it’s a lawless act. And at this stage the Supreme Court has a solemn duty, in light of the nature of the issue and the stakes at hand, has to take the case. And I think, by the way, the earlier determination by Justice Alito to call a halt to any county if that had begun of these set-aside ballots, the ones that I view as illegal, they’re just illegal. They don’t and should not count. His determination to do that is a signal — it’s not an assurance — but it’s a signal that a majority of the Supreme Court would uphold what Justice Alito has done.

RUSH: Well, you might think, well, how do we know that? Well, we don’t know that, but there are assumptions that if Justice Alito is going to rule as he did, he’s gotta be somewhat confident that there is a majority of support in the court for it. Those are just factors that are taken into account by judges as they rule on matters like this where further requests or participation for full membership of the court may be sought.

Bottom line is that Judge Starr here is convinced that illegality occurred in Pennsylvania with 700,000 votes, wants to get to the bottom of it for the sake of the integrity of our electoral system. At the end of all this, regardless who wins, folks, that has to be what happens here. We cannot go forward with the presidential election system being doubted by the losing side every time. I mean, there are gonna be people who doubt it, but we can’t have what we have now. We’ve lost all the integrity.

And the thing is the left doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter to them. They’ve demonstrated this throughout this entire process. They don’t care. Well, somebody has to care. Somebody has to care for the future of the country, the future of the Constitution, the future of the rule of law, the future of the integrity of the rule of law, the Constitution and our election system. And that’s what this attempt to get to the truth is.


RUSH: I’m gonna get to the phones here in just a second. I need to make one observation. I don’t want anybody misunderstand me and think that I’m being critical of the anecdotal evidence. I’m not. Let me try to explain this. The lawyers… If there ever is a czar, for example — if my idea were ever adopted and there is a czar — I know that the lawyers working for the czar and the czar are gonna need individual examples of fraud.

They’re gonna need the anecdotal stories, but that’s not what you report. That’s what they assemble. You have to add things up to have a trend. You need patterns, and the individual examples are how you do it. But that’s… I’m just saying, “You don’t go out and make the case on the individual examples.” Like you don’t make the case by saying, “I heard somebody call Rush Limbaugh who said X-number of ballots were dipped into cod liver oil and that has some super-secret watermark on it.”

That’s not how we do this. You tell the czar that; let the czar run it through the sifter, and see if it passes the smell test. They do all that. I know lawyers are not gonna be handed a smoking gun of a hundred thousand phony ballots. That isn’t how it happens, and this is also key in state like Pennsylvania. They’ve institutionalized the fraud and then legalized it. Like, no signatures required on mail-in ballots?

They did that in anticipation of this. No postal dates on mail-in ballots? They did that on purpose. The decision to take these safeguards off is part of the issue. We’ve gotta find out who did that, and did they have the legal authority to do it? Which makes the uncovering of fraud harder and harder. This is not gonna be easy. We know it happened. But now the fraud’s been institutionalized.

Who decided no signatures required? Who decided no postal dates on mail-in ballots? So you gotta a bunch of people saying, “Well, you need tons of fraud to prove it before you can move the needle.” It’s more complicated than that. It is a massive job, folks, to do this. That’s why you need committed people.

It is a massive thing to unwind what the Democrats have done here. It has to happen, though. This has wrecked the institutions that we all depend on for integrity and honesty throughout our government, throughout the electoral system.


RUSH: Marty in St. Augustine, Florida. I’m glad you called. Welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. Great, great, great to have you here. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Thanks so much for taking my call. My husband brought me to Rush, so to speak, 30 years ago and I’ve been listening ever since, and we just want you to know, we’re really thankful for you and that you’ve been able to continue to do your show and we’re praying for you.

RUSH: Appreciate that. Thank you very much. Me too.

CALLER: Yeah, thanks. I just have two quick points. I love the idea about the Election Czar. We happened to see Sidney Powell yesterday on Fox Business, Maria Bartiromo’s show. And she laid out some really detailed information about where investigation is going —

RUSH: Right. I’ve got that data coming up. It’s pretty comprehensive. It’s pretty impressive what she’s already found.

CALLER: Yes. And one thing that we had not heard about that surprised us discussed was about this software company, apparently some of the software used in tabulating the votes —

RUSH: It’s out there. This is all in the hopper. This is exactly the kind of stuff — I’ve seen it, I know it’s out there. This is the kind of stuff that needs to be collected, investigated, looked at, and reported on. And we need to get to the bottom of it so that it doesn’t remain just anecdotal. “Hey, did you hear about this software company?” We need to find out the truth about it. We need somebody look at it and find out if there’s something there.

CALLER: Exactly. I was impressed with Sidney Powell. I like her anyway, and I didn’t know whether you would think she would be a possible candidate for the czar position if it goes that way. That was one point. The other thing, we also saw Mark Levin last night, and he mentioned that we have a Supreme Court for a reason. You know, as an average voter, you just feel frustrated, kind of gnashing your teeth, what can we do? But he mentioned that the Supreme Court’s gotta step up and enforce these election laws and we’re just praying that that’s what’s gonna happen.

RUSH: Somebody’s gotta take the case to ’em, and then they can. They have to want to hear the case. And that’s what I think he’s saying. They gotta want to hear the case. Because the case will be taken to them. And, you know, John Roberts could have shut it down before Amy Coney Barrett when the court was 4-4. Now it’s not 4-4. It’s 5-4. The odds are greater, I would think.


RUSH: This is Matt in Lincoln, Nebraska. Great to have you, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Very long-time listener here. I just wanted to comment on the psych ops that was ran by the media. One thing I noticed was the coordination before the election. Days before, every media organization was saying, “Hey, you’re gonna think on election night that Donald Trump has won. You’re gonna think this. But you’ve gotta wait ’til the votes come in over the next few days, and then you’re gonna see who the clear winner is.” What was interesting about that is they emphasized the fact this isn’t fraud; this is just how this election is.

RUSH: What do you mean, it isn’t fraud; it is just how it is?

CALLER: That’s what the media was saying. “Don’t think this is fraud.” They kept saying day to day before the election, “Don’t think that this is fraud when the votes come in after Election Day,” when you thought —

RUSH: Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.

CALLER: “This is just how this election is this time,” and that was kind of the psych ops of all the media was trying to condition everybody, “You’re gonna think Donald Trump’s gonna win. But what you’re really gonna see is that Biden’s gonna win big later. You just have to have patience and don’t let anybody tell you it’s fraud because it really isn’t.”

RUSH: Even though it was.

CALLER: Even though it was.

RUSH: Right. So your point is that they ran a psycho-ops operation on everybody, telling them what was gonna happen, and then it happened?

CALLER: And then it happened, and they conditioned people to let ’em know, “This isn’t fraud. This isn’t fraud. This is just how this election is because of these times we’re living in. Blame it on 2020.”

RUSH: The year 2020. Right. Whatever. Well, they can do that. (chuckling) I don’t care. You know, I couldn’t care less what they say it was. I couldn’t care less if they ran a psyops operation on us. All I care about is uprooting what happened. That’s all I want to do! We’ve got to find out what happened. Because we all believe Donald Trump won this election.

We all believe that he won it handily. We all believe common sense says that there is no way a candidate who did not even have a bond with his voters, a candidate who is a nonentity, a candidate who is an empty vessel — a candidate who was simply a faceless, nameless guy who’s never won an election on his own other than the Senate — is gonna get more votes than anybody else in history…

We don’t believe it. But the guy drawing 55,000 people at rallies, 37,000 people…? The guy that’s in a basement may be drawing 20 people in their cars to honk horns — and then there’s the other evidence that we had, the other (sigh) the common-sense evidence. So, you know, whether they ran their little operation here to tell us that no matter what it looks like on election night, Biden’s gonna win, we need to get to the bottom of it, for all of the reasons that I have stated today.

I don’t want to have to repeat everything in every phone call I get here. But this is about preserving the Constitution. It’s about preserving the institutions and traditions that define in the United States of America from every other country on earth. It’s about making sure we do not descend to banana republic status. We are damn close. There was no reason on earth for early voting and mail-in voting to have not been counted by election night, for example.

There’s no earthly reason that we have to wait ’til Friday to count mail-in ballots. There’s no… The mail-in ballots, anyway, was the beginning of the end of all of this. They scare the hell out of everybody with COVID. They get everybody convinced you can’t go to your polling place and vote without dying or running the risk of dying.

So we come in with mail-in bolts, and then we end up — some of us end up — criticizing mail-in ballots, and that ends up being a negative because a lot of people liked the option of mail-in ballots but they didn’t have to show any ID, they have to show a signature, the signatures didn’t have to match, they didn’t have to be in by Election Day. We’re saying, “What the hell?”

And then criticizing mail-in ballots, some people said, “Well, we like mail-in ballots. So screw you!” So I was told, “Every time you criticize mail-in ballots, you’re just sending more people to use them.” I said, “Well, that’s not good.” This is not… But that’s where all this happened, when you don’t have to have any ID! No, I’m not criticizing absentee.

Absentee, you’ve gotta prove who you are. You don’t with mail-in. What is this business about you don’t have to count ’em by election night? When somebody said, as our last caller says, “You’re gonna think you’re winning after election night, but then after they count the mail-in ballots, that’s where Trump’s gonna lose.” Why do we wait until after election night to count the mail-in ballots when the mail-in ballots ostensibly are arriving before Election Day ballots?

Oh, that’s right, because they didn’t have to arrive by Election Day. Why was that the case? “Well, because not everybody can count on the postal service to do it right, and so we have to give some leeway. So we said, ‘As long as the ballots are in by Friday in one place or Saturday in another place, then we’ll go ahead and count it.'” You think that isn’t a recipe for the disaster that we’re in the middle of here?

Mail-in ballots! Why do you think mail-in ballots were not part of the original set up? It’s just too great an opportunity for fraud. So this has to be run down, tracking down. It has to be discovered what happened. In a lot of states, a few states, they were able to count the mail-in ballots by election night. They did it in Florida. They did it in Texas. They did it in whole bunch of well-run Republican states.

Why can’t they do this in Pennsylvania? Why couldn’t they do it in Wisconsin? Why couldn’t they do it in Michigan? Why were we waiting until Saturday — it was ridiculous — for the mail-in ballots to be counted? We all know why. They were determining how many they needed. Democrats purposely were holding back counting the early voting and the mail-in votes in order to know how much they would need to find in order to win.

There’s no other explanation for this. But I can say that all day long, and it doesn’t make it true. That’s why we need a czar. That’s why we need somebody to officially run down every aspect of this.


RUSH: Sidney Powell. You know when I floated my idea earlier today that we need a czar running things, let me see if I can explain that again a little bit better. It’s not that difficult a concept, but I’m thinking… Think Mueller investigation only legit. Think Mueller except somebody that knows what they’re doing, not just a figurehead that’s checked out and, like Biden, doesn’t know where he is half the time.

A legitimate constitutional scholar, legitimate constitutional lawyer, somebody who has been practicing, somebody from a highly reputable firm, somebody with impeccable credentials to lead this investigation of the 2020 presidential election. There are countless examples of questionable ballots, questionable people voting dead or alive.

There’s all kinds of information out there that needs to be chased down. So this person would not only head the effort and be the figurehead, but would be actively involved. Not somebody who just gets a report every day and then reads the report somebody else wrote. This would be somebody actively involved. Somebody cogent, somebody coherent, somebody who could lead the effort and then hires a staff.

This would take money, I understand, and it’s not mine that I’m offering up. This has gotta come from the people doing the investigating, be it the Trump campaign or some other entity. But this person would then hire the team of investigators who would go out and make the case, do whatever they could to find the truth.

They’d have to start with all of the stories, all of the anecdotal stories and the anecdotal evidence. And let me define… I keep assuming everybody knows what this is. We always discount anecdotal evidence. I know you hear us discount it — you hear me discount it. Anecdotal, of course, the root word is “anecdote,” people telling a story.

So you have somebody that nobody knows who saw something screwy going on with a ballot, say, in Pennsylvania. And they either tweet it or they call a talk show, “Hey, I saw this in the…” Okay. That’s anecdotal bid of evidence which means it isn’t evidence. It’s somebody telling a story — and it could be true; it could be made up. You don’t know if you don’t know the person telling the story.

And that’s why, for me, as a talk radio host, I don’t like taking those calls because you can’t confirm them. I don’t want to put misinformation on the air, and anybody can call here and say anything. It’s impossible to track it down. I don’t want to do a talk show where the reaction is, “Boy, did you hear that called who said…?” If it’s not true, then it’s harmful to me. It’s not that it doesn’t matter. It’s harmful if it isn’t true.

I don’t want to mislead anybody. So I’m not into… In terms of what I do as the leading talk show host in the world, I’m not interested in anecdotal anything except for its value, and its value doesn’t exist to me here. Now, there is value in this evidence as told to an Elections Czar, because that’s all they’re gonna have work with. They’ve got to track it down.

They’ve got to separate the wheat from the chaff, and there’s gonna be a lot of lying. There’s gonna be a lot of people telling a lot of things that aren’t true. There’s already massive lies out there being made by people who are believed by certain people in our country. There’s this big story that Trump ran a sting. Have you heard this one?

“Trump ran a brilliant sting operation waiting to unveil it that every ballot in certain states has a secret watermark on it.” Have you heard that one? (interruption) Well, “stupidity”? Do you know how many people believed it? Well, this is why this stuff is dangerous. You get people calling a talk show telling stuff like this, and if the host is not informed and hadn’t heard of this, the host would go, “Wow, man! That is cool,” and you’re off and running with a bunch of BS.

So the investigator, the czar, would have to wade through all of that and find out which of it is BS and which of it is legit — and believe me, there’s gonna be a lot of BS, because everybody wants to get noticed and everybody wants to say they mattered, and everybody wants to say they had a role in it. Or there are gonna be people on the left who are gonna want to embarrass us.

They are gonna want us to accept and believe some really stupid stuff so that we look like a bunch of conspiracy theorists. This is why whoever does this has got to be brilliant, has to be patient, has to have an army or a team that can track this stuff down and not say anything about it to the American people until they have run it down. And everything has to be looked at in terms of constitutionality, because that’s what’s at stake here, folks, in all of this.

Yeah, we want to save the election for D.J. Trump. Yep. We want this to get done right. We want Trump to get what he earned: The presidency and a second term. But more importantly, the integrity of the process must be maintained in the eyes of as many millions of Americans as possible. The integrity of the electoral system must be established.

If it isn’t, nobody’s gonna believe it ever again — and you want to talk about turnout? You want to talk about…? The moment people start thinking that their vote really doesn’t matter, then they’re gonna see people abandon elections like you’ve never seen it before. It’s just too important here that the integrity, that the Constitution, that the rule of law, that all of this be affirmed.

And for that to happen this election must be investigated. Every lead must be tracked down. Every reported problem should be investigated, as long as it takes. There shouldn’t be a time limit. It should not be a hurry. I mean, a reasonable time, yeah. But we shouldn’t have to get this done by the end of next week, for example.

There’s no reason for that. The next president’s not inaugurated ’til next January. The next Congress is not seated ’til next January. We’re gonna have runoff elections in January, the two Senate seats in Georgia. There doesn’t need to be a hurry. Algore got 37 days to try to overturn things in one state — three counties, basically, of one state.

Now, I maintain that if there was no fraud, the Democrats would invite Republicans to examine every aspect of the process and be done with it. But the Democrats say, “We’re not gonna do that. They’re gonna come in here and plant evidence.” No. We’re not gonna plant evidence. But I can see them saying that. But I still believe if there was no fraud the Democrats would be a little bit more solicitous towards us looking at the process.

I would think they would want us to look like fools. I would think they would want us to look like kooks. What better way to let us see their legitimate process? What better way? If there is massive fraud, there will be a campaign to call the election — opps. Sorry. That’s what’s happening now.

“Sidney Powell Claims There Are 450,000 Ballots That Voted Only For Biden, Left The Rest Blank — Attorney Sidney Powell claims that her team has found 450,000 ballots with only votes for Biden and no down-ballot selections made. Powell suggests that this number of single vote ballots is suspect, and indicative in part of ‘abject fraud’ that she says flipped the election to Biden.”

Let me tell you, 450,000 ballots that only vote for Joe Biden? That’s not suspicious. That is fraud. How can that be? I’ll tell you how it can be. They only cared about the presidential race. They only filled out ballots with Biden’s name ’cause that’s all that mattered.

“Powell is the attorney for Michael Flynn and has been vocal about the need to challenge the results of the General Election, which she contends is rife with evidence of a ‘massive and coordinated effort to steal this election,’ by efforts to ‘delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump, to manufacture votes for Joe Biden.'”

She says, “They have done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in massive numbers, to absolutely fraudulently creating ballots that exist only voting for Biden. We’ve identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden.”

She said this on the TV show of Maria Bartiromo. Sidney Powell pointed to Florida. Things were done right. They counted all the ballots on election night, including these precious mail-in ballots the way the rest of the country should have. She “maintains that malicious actors ‘used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from… Trump to Biden, and from other candidates to their competitors also. It wasn’t just president Trump, there were many people affected by this,’ said Powell. ‘We have got to fight tooth and nail in federal court to expose this abject fraud and the conspiracy behind it, and get a recount and audits in every place its’ needed, which is frankly most of the country.'”

Folks, that is a stunning number of ballots, 450,000 miraculous only have one name on them? Here’s some other statistics from Miranda Devine at the New York Post. There are five swing states that are within 1%, and every damn one of them has Joe Biden in the lead. “In Georgia, Biden was ahead last night by just 10,352 votes.”

For how long was he behind in Georgia until they found a way to move him past it? “In Arizona, he was ahead by 19,438 votes. In Wisconsin, he was ahead by 20,540. In Pennsylvania, he was ahead by 43,251,” after being up 800,000 or 750,000. “In Nevada, he was ahead by 31,464. It is not outlandish or unprecedented to accept the possibility that at least some of those margins may be erroneous, whether through human error or, indeed, fraud.”

Look, folks, it is entirely possible that all of this may not amount to much of anything at all. But it has to be investigated. It has to be examined because there are 71 million people who voted for Trump who are going to think the election was stolen. And I think they’re right, but you can’t have that many people, 71 million thinking the presidential election system in America is so tainted that it can be stolen from somebody who got 71 million votes?

You can say good-bye to people participating in the process, which the Democrats would absolutely love. Trump said himself over the weekend this is no longer about any single election. This is about the integrity of our entire election process. And that is bingo. That is right on the money.

Whatever comes of the allegations, nothing is more important than these two Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs. That’s control of the Senate right there. And does anybody think the Democrats in Georgia are gonna let these Senate seats go to the Republicans? If that’s the attitude that we have, then what does it say about our perception of the system already?


RUSH: Ready? “Our safety, our liberty depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate.” For those of you in Rio Linda, it means we can’t violate it. It means we cannot abandon it. (It has nothing to do with it being purple.) We cannot abandon it.

“The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” You know who said that? Abraham Lincoln — and all he did was preserve the Union by believing the Constitution was inviolate. “Our safety, our liberty depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers,” this is the Founding Fathers, “made it inviolate.

“The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” That’s what this effort should be focused on: “Overthrow[ing] the men who pervert the Constitution.” Overthrowing the people, in other words, who are ignoring it, who are trampling on it, who are running the risk of ruining it.

Now, it’s gonna take time, folks. Tracking down all of these reports — the anecdotal evidence, if you will. Tracking it all down and then getting sworn declarations. You can’t just say, “Hey, I got this guy over here who said…” This guy’s gotta swear to it. All of these people with their anecdotal stories and evidence that they tweet, or they email or whatever?

You’ve gotta get to ’em, and they have to swear that it’s true. They have to sign declarations and affidavits. They have to subject themselves to perjury charges. That takes time. It requires interviews. It requires trying to find out who these people and why they may be saying this. None of this is gonna be easy, and the czar — that I have this imagination of sitting in position here overseeing all this — is exactly what the job is:

Overseeing all of this. Overseeing all these actions. Directing these actions. Informing the people that work for the czar doing the investigations what needs to be done. “Here’s the stuff that needs to be tracked down. These are the people you need to find. These are the people who need to swear to what they’re saying happened.” This is a lot of states. Now, this is already happening.

There’s not a czar, per se, but this is already happening, and it takes time. I know you read about these examples on Twitter or Sidney Powell: 450,000 ballots with only Biden’s name on ’em. You say, “Well, Sidney Powell would never lie about it.” Yeah, it still has to be tracked down, still has to be sworn to, still has to be signed off on. Nobody’s word is good, in other words.

You’ve got to go through the process here.

Here’s another story that ran in the American Thinker: “Wait Just a Minute!” it says here, “Some Very Good News May Be Coming.” Let me give you some pull quotes from this piece. “Hey guys, this thing is not only not over; it is scary for Biden. I mean really scary, and most of all, the media know it. Thus, the rush to get everyone in line with the narrative that a 78-year-old, early-dementia former VP, who could not draw a crowd larger than a dozen, just beat [Donald Trump] in a fair election.

“Process that for a moment. Start with Pennsylvania. Biden, as of this writing, is at 290 electoral votes. Pennsylvania is 20. I read the Justice Alito opinion, and it is pretty clear that he wants the after-election night at 8:00 P.M. votes separated for a reason. Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court, and they know it.” This guy is confident. See, he’s confident that the Supreme Court would throw out those ballots that came in after 8 p.m. on election night.

I’m not, but the writer here is. Okay, fine. We’ll go with the writer for the sake of the interesting aspect. “Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court, and they know it. Four justices already said the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot adjust voting rules,” and they can’t, folks. The state legislature is the only body empowered to change voting rules. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court can’t do it.

All they can do is weigh in on efforts that have been made, but they cannot do it themselves. “A new arrival, Justice Barrett, says she is there to apply the rules in the Constitution. OK, wanna bet she does?” If she does, and if the Supreme Court takes the case and if it goes there and if you “remove the after–8:00 P.M. ballots, and Biden loses Pennsylvania.”

This guy says Biden loses those 20 if you take away the ballots that Alito wants set aside, that anything after 8 o’clock on election night is illegal. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court said, “No, it’s not! We’re gonna allow ’em.” The point is, they can’t make that rules change. Another pull quote: “We have bloggers with lots of time on their hands going through voter rolls and showing that person after person who voted in a swing state also fought in the Civil War or maybe the War of 1812.

“It was funny at first,” all these dead people voting, “but the overwhelming number now goes beyond humor and rubs our faces in it.” He says, “I think [Donald J. Trump] has to swing one state… Not only is this thing not over, but the Biden team must be sweating bullets.” This is all his opinion. “Voter fraud at scale seemed like a really cool idea until [Trump] went to the mattresses.

“Now that he is fighting it out one voter at a time with the Supreme Court likely to create the starting point at Biden 270, Biden has everything to lose.” “No more truckloads of votes coming in, so every ballot [Trump]’s team eliminates gets President-Elect Biden one step closer to former VP Biden who lives in a basement.” Okay.

So this is just a sample of some of the stuff that’s out there. People are reading it, they’re getting revved up and excited, and I don’t blame you. But the real process is going to take some time. Eliminating Biden ballots is going to take time. It’s not gonna happen just because somebody says they saw something — and I’m not trying to be critical or mocking of anybody. Don’t misunderstand.
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Re: Rush: Name an Election Czar to Focus on Protecting the Constitution
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2020, 10:11:24 pm »
Day dreaming.