Author Topic: Byron York's Daily Memo: The Democrats' elephant in the room  (Read 253 times)

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Byron York's Daily Memo: The Democrats' elephant in the room
by Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent |
 | August 21, 2020 08:24 AM
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THE DEMOCRATS' ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. The Democratic Party has now finished all four nights of its national convention. There was endless talk about how terrible President Trump is -- to be expected in a convention nominating a candidate to challenge a sitting president. In his acceptance address, nominee Joe Biden discussed "four historic crises" -- the coronavirus pandemic, the economic plunge, "the most compelling call for racial justice since the 60s," and climate change.

But did viewers hear a word from Democrats about the crisis of violent crime and unrest plaguing some of the nation's major cities? No. Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, and other cities have experienced alarming spikes in violent crime, as well as, in some cases, general civic disorder.

The Democratic convention took place on Nights 82, 83, 84, and 85 of rioting in Portland. On Thursday night, as Biden spoke, a crowd returned to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building where a riot had been declared the night before. A confrontation ensued that ended in tear gas fired by Federal Protective Services officers, whose job it is to safeguard federal buildings around the country. Also in Portland, the disorder has moved from the central location -- the federal courthouse -- where it took place for so many nights out to various neighborhoods around the city.