Author Topic: The Morning Briefing: Change All the Names, Nuke All the Statues—Grievance Wusses Will Still Be Whin  (Read 134 times)

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The Morning Briefing: Change All the Names, Nuke All the Statues—Grievance Wusses Will Still Be Whining
By Stephen Kruiser Jul 14, 2020 5:26 AM EST

No doubt I will catch some grief for this one but that is kind of my role around here, is it not?

The grievance mob is picking up steam, using the Year of the Riot to claim more cultural victims. We’ll get into the philosophical discussion about all of this in a moment but, on a personal note, I find it rather exhausting just attempting to keep up with whom or whatever they are mad at during any given moment. At this point, I’m not even certain there are any statues left in America.

What we’ve witnessed in recent weeks is truly a descent into madness. Criminals are taking over cities with the backing of the elected officials who run those cities. Those same officials are proudly abandoning their police forces to score points with a bunch of Marxists, then predictably seeing violent crime skyrocket overnight. We are supposed to believe that this is all being done in the name of delivering some long-overdue justice.

It’s all bunk.