Author Topic: Here are the people who want to ban the National Anthem at sporting events  (Read 167 times)

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Here are the people who want to ban the National Anthem at sporting events

Jazz ShawPosted at 9:21 am on June 9, 2020

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh? Now that everyone is fixated on issues of potential racial bias in police departments, some of the usual suspects are looking to hitch their wagon to this moment and once again bring up the issue of protesting during the playing of the National Anthem at football and baseball games, along with pretty much any other sporting events. Yesterday, we learned that Roger Goodell has already “taken a knee” on the subject, and NASCAR is edging in that direction by discouraging the flying of Confederate flags at races.

But why settle for simply kneeling or otherwise protesting during the playing of the Anthem when you can go further? Perhaps some of these same people would be interested in banning the playing of the Anthem at these events entirely. That’s the stance being taken in an editorial by Barry Werner at a football news outlet called Touchdown Wire. Just do away with the song entirely.