Author Topic: "I tired to make it too" (1992)  (Read 245 times)

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"I tired to make it too" (1992)
« on: May 30, 2020, 03:36:40 pm »
This could probably have been posted in the General Discussion category but it does fit in with what is happening now.

The video is heart breaking but the outcome is much brighter!
(Scroll down after viewing the video)

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The man in that video is Art Washington.

Would you like, (as Paul Harvey use to say) .. The Rest Of The Story?

UNDERSTANDING THE RIOTS--SIX MONTHS LATER : Touched by Fire / A Legacy of Pain and Hope

Six months after the riots, Times reporters visited some of the people and places touched by the extraordinary events of last spring and on these pages we tell their stories.

Art Washington still can’t get over what happened to him in the weeks after the riots--how he, the son of a Mississippi sharecropper, became a national hero.

“It’s changed my whole attitude about people,” he says. “Especially white people. I was real negative about white people because it seemed all my life they were trying to keep me down.”

Washington marched out of obscurity on the second day of the riots.

"Hell is empty, all the devil's are here!"
~ Self