Author Topic: 'View' Outraged by Calls to Reopen Economy: 'Why' Can't Gov't Just Spend More Money?  (Read 164 times)

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'View' Outraged by Calls to Reopen Economy: 'Why' Can't Gov't Just Spend More Money?
By Kristine Marsh | May 5, 2020 2:50 PM EDT

Former New Jersey governor and current ABC contributor Chris Christie came under the wrath of the hosts of The View Tuesday, after he pointed out that people were going to continue to die from COVID-19, but we needed to keep reopening the economy. Each host attacked the Republican, saying he wanted to sacrifice "old lives for the economy," and falsely claiming that no lives were at risk from the lockdown.

The hosts first played a clip where Christie compared reopening the country, risking lives, to Americans risking soldiers’ lives in World War II. Whoopi complained that people want to reopen the economy are fine with risking other families' lives but not their own (what?):

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