Author Topic: Recruiting the smartphone contingent: Top enlisted Marine says generational differences aren’t new  (Read 177 times)

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Recruiting the smartphone contingent: Top enlisted Marine says generational differences aren’t new
Philip Athey

Should Marine recruiters be social media influencers? Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Troy Black talks about recruiting and retention in the modern Corps.

Marines recruited today have grown up in a different world than Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Troy Black did. It’s a world defined by increasingly rapid technological growth, which requires Marine recruiters to connect to prospective Marines in new ways.

But, Black rejects the idea that generational differences are a new thing, or that the use of TikTok and Instagram by new ­Marines and high schoolers thinking about joining will affect their ability to complete whatever mission the Marine Corps throws at them.

“I would have bet that the Vietnam veterans that recruited me probably thought there was something wrong with the Pepsi generation too,” Black said. “You can go back any generation there is always going to be a challenge.”