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Rush Transcripts...Feb. 7, 2020
« on: February 07, 2020, 07:04:11 pm »

What a Week! I’m One of the Luckiest People Alive

Feb 7, 2020

RUSH: What a week. What an incredible week. I mean, from beginning to end. And it’s still going. And there is still winning that’s happening today. Just incredible. And I’m gonna tell you something, folks. One of the things I’m gratified about — you know, I don’t like to brag, and I don’t like to say, “notice me.”

But everything happening to the Democrat Party today, if you go back and you look at excerpts of the award-winning broadcast, go to, you’ll find that I predicted this implosion of the Democrat Party. And that’s exactly what it is. I mean, you got people writing, “Well, what happened to the Democrats this week is unserious.” It’s worse than unserious.

What happened to the Democrat Party is that they have lost their entire moral foundation. (cough) Excuse me. I’ve gotta a cold coming on here, and I’m not gonna worry about hitting the cough switch as often, so just bear with me here. I mean, they have lost their entire moral foundation, and they lost it four years ago.

This is what happens, let this be a lesson to you, folks, in your personal life, this is what happens when you become consumed with hatred. Hatred is a poison. It destroys you because hatred can never be requited, hatred can never be rewarded, hatred can never make you happy. Hatred means you’re requiring something painful or bad to happen to other people. And that’s just not the way to happiness. That’s not the route to success of any kind. And it’s where the Democrat Party is. And I’ll break this down, and I’ll explain it in great, great detail as the program unfolds.

The telephone number, if you want to be with us today is 800-282-2882. The email address,

So the last time I was here and we were together was Monday. And I have to tell you, it feels like it’s been two weeks with everything that has happened since then. But it hasn’t. It’s just been one week. And the last thing that I did on Monday was inform all of you of a medical diagnosis, advanced lung cancer. And I told you Monday that I really wished that I could not announce it, because I don’t like making things about me.

And I promised you that I was not going to live every aspect of this on the air. Millions of you have been through it. It’s nothing that millions of Americans aren’t experiencing or haven’t experienced. So you don’t need me sharing all of the details with you. And I wouldn’t want to do it anyway because there’s a lot of factors involved, including privacy and distraction.

And, by the way, folks, I’m gonna hopscotching through much of this first hour as thoughts erupt in my fertile gray cells. I don’t have anything written here. I don’t have any monologue scripted. I haven’t made any notes to make sure that I don’t forget anything because I’m not worried about forgetting anything. I’m very confident that I’m gonna get everything said here today that I want to say.

Despite living in the public eye, I really am a private person for just a host of reasons, most of which that’s just who I am. I want whatever I’m known for to speak for itself during these three hours and some other things. I’m not interested in being in the news all the time, for whatever reason. Of course, I can’t help it, I am in the news all the time. But it’s not something I seek.

Nevertheless, it has been one of the biggest blessings — you know, I understand now what Lou Gehrig, when he was diagnosed with ALS in the 1920s, he’s announcing his retirement. This is after he has been the Iron Man, played in all these consecutive games, the record wasn’t broken until Cal Ripken Jr. came along.

He’s standing at home plate at Yankee Stadium, and he said, after having announced, the world knew, that he had ALS, everybody knew what it was, that it was fatal and there was no chance of recovery, and there still isn’t, by the way. And Lou Gehrig said, “Today I consider myself the luckiest man on earth.” I’ve seen that black and white film replayed numerous times in my life.

And don’t misunderstand, I know he meant it. But the first two or three times I heard it I had trouble processing. How in the world can anybody feel lucky after having been told that you have a disease from which there is no recovery and that it’s fast? And there was a part of me that said, “Okay. This is something that famous people are supposed to say. He’s been very successful in life. He was uniquely talented to play baseball and all that.” And I thought, “Okay. Clearly there is a portion of Lou Gehrig that thinks he has to say this.”

And now I know that’s all wrong. Now I know that there was nothing forced or phony or public-relations-related about it because I feel the same way. I cannot thank all of the people that I have heard from since Monday, and they are still getting a hold of me. There are people I had no idea they knew how to get a hold of me. And the sentiments, the thoughts they’re expressing are just incredibly nice and supportive.

And to have this kind of support and to know it, to be fully aware of it, yeah, it does make me one of the luckiest people alive. I’m trying to respond to everybody. I haven’t even made a dent in it. I haven’t had a whole lot of time to, but I’m going to try. Some people have written three or four times.

And other people are suggesting, “Hey, I know this treatment, I know this hospital, I know this treatment place. You need to call.” I thank you for all of that. I am just inundated with so much love and support, more than I ever knew. And it’s really true, when I sit here, think about how lucky I am that all of this has happened to me.

Now, I know many of you want to know the story of the State of the Union address on Tuesday night and how that all happened, and someday I hope to be able to tell you the entire story. I can’t tell you the entire story now without divulging medical details that I, frankly, don’t want to give. I don’t want to give people an opportunity to start investigating and writing about and pronouncing opinions and this kind of thing. People know enough about what I have.

It’s late stage. It’s advanced lung cancer. But there’s good news associated with the diagnosis and the treatment. So we are where I am to have the first procedure that will set up the beginning of treatment. This is Tuesday, and it is scheduled for 5 o’clock in the afternoon. We took no clothes, Kathryn and I. We just… We went Grub City with shorts, T-shirts. I mean, the whole week’s gonna be in the hospital.

There’s no reason to take a coat and tie. There’s no reason to pack a whole bunch of stuff that you’re never gonna use. “Light” was the byword. The procedure was gonna be 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I’d have to show up for it at 12 noon to do the prep, talk to the doctors and so forth. At 9 a.m., the phone rings. I’ve got the number in my address book. So it’s the White House. I answered the phone, and they said, “Can you hold for President Trump?”

I said, “Yes.”

“Rush! Rush! How you doing, buddy? Great to hear from you! Hey, look, what are you doing later today?”

I said, “Well, I have a serious medical procedure that’s gonna start — all this — at 5 o’clock.”

“Well, look, what’s the doctor’s name? I want to call him and have him delay it for a couple days ’cause I need you down here tonight.”

I said (chuckles), “Uh… (chuckles) Mr. President, um… I’m stunned.”

He said, “Look, your health comes first; there’s no question. But can’t they just do half of what they’re gonna do and then send you down here? Believe me, you don’t want to miss this. It’s gonna be great. It’s gonna be great. You don’t want to miss this.”

Well, I don’t know what’s up. He told me he wanted me to be his guest at the State of the Union, that he was gonna mention my name, recognize me. I hung up the phone and for the next hour and a half, I agonized — I literally agonized — over what to do. Kathryn and I are both sitting in the hotel room. As time is marching on, we’re faced with the possibility of having to ask an entire medical team to broom their schedule and reschedule to accommodate this.

But we haven’t told ’em yet. We’re discussing the logistics. Now, there’s something else. Earlier that day, I had sent EIB One to take my nieces from New York to Cape Girardeau, and it wasn’t gonna be available to me until 4:30 in the afternoon. So I’m putting that in the equation. I mean, there’s no way to even get there even if I want to, unless we charter. We could do that. But no clothes, no shirt, no tie, no socks, no dress shoes.

Zip, zero, nada.

Kathryn’s saying, “You’ve got to do this! You can’t not do this.”

I said, “How are we gonna do it?”

She said, “Leave it to me.”

An hour and a half later, I called the president back and tried to tell him no. Remember, I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I have no idea. I just… He’s told me, by the way… I should say, he has told me that he’s gonna present me with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but a couple weeks from now in the Oval Office. I had no idea at this particular time on Tuesday morning that this was gonna happen at the State of the Union, and he didn’t tell me during all these phone calls.

So I called him back around 10:30, intending to be as persuasive as I could, to thank him and just say that there was too much here to overcome to get down there, including the medical schedule. The doctors and everything have been scheduled. This story, if I could tell it — and someday, I’m gonna be able to give you every detail here. But for people that do not know Donald Trump, this story will explain him, his essence, his attitude toward life.

There simply is nothing you can’t do. There’s nothing that can’t be done, and there’s not a single obstacle that can’t be dealt with — and it’s not even hard. It’s not even… He didn’t have to stop and think for a moment about this. Now, granted he’s got presidential power. If he wants to clear us into Reagan National, if he wants to send a car for us and get us from the airport to the White House, he can do all of that — and he did, and he was willing.

But the fact was that this is what he wanted, but not for him, you see? It was for me, and he wasn’t going to let me talk myself out of it. Part of me is not wanting to create any problems for him. I mean, he’s got so many more important things to do than deal with logistics, and I told him. He said, “You think I’m gonna do it? I’ve got people here! What do you mean? I’m gonna call a guy here; in an hour, all this will be done. All you gotta do is find a way to get the clothes.”

So Kathryn… (chuckling) This was amazing too. Kathryn got in gear and (again, without divulging too much), we went and met the doctor. We kept the appointment at noon to discuss what was gonna happen. We signed the papers, get as much of the procedure out of the way as we could, and then tell the doctor, “Hey, I have been summoned to Washington. Can this be moved to tomorrow?”

“Sure! It’s not a problem. In fact, show up at 5:30 tomorrow morning before anybody else gets here. We’ll get it started; we’ll get it rolling.” Everybody was just as cooperative and helpful as they could be. We get back from the meeting with the doctors in about two hours, and in our hotel room is 15 sport coats of different sizes, four or five different ties, a bunch of shirts of different sizes, and all I had to do was try on various things and find an outfit that fit. I did have…

I take it back. I did have a pair of slacks ’cause it was cold where we went; so I wasn’t wearing slacks and shorts, wasn’t able to. But I did wear slacks. The slacks come from the suit. We were even looking at sending the plane down to Florida to get my suit and a tie, but I couldn’t because it was on the way to Missouri. So, anyway, Kathryn had arranged for a bunch of stuff to be delivered from local retail outlets, including for her.

She had nothing, either, nothing that would be suitable for the House Chamber. (interruption) Pardon me? (interruption) Yeah, it was stuff off the rack. What are you gonna do? There was no time for a tailor. There’s no time for a seamstress. Yeah. That’s why there were 15 different sport coats, Mr. Snerdley. That’s why there are four or five different shirts with different neck sizes, sleeve lengths.

I told ’em what I wear, but you never know from manufacturer to manufacturer, brand to brand. Nothing’s consistent in clothes. There was only one of the whatever it was, 10 or 15 — only one that fit. There was only one that I could button. The sleeve length was perfect but only one that I could button. (interruption) What do you mean? You’re used to what “over here on the other side of the glass”? (interruption) Oh, you’re used to off the rack?

Look, I don’t have a tailor either! What, you think I have somebody who makes me suits? When’s the last time you saw me in a suit? It was in December and that’s an off-the-rack suit. I haven’t bought a suit in 10 years ’cause I don’t like clothes shopping precisely because nothing does fit off the rack. I got better things to do than sit there and be measured three or four times to get it right.

What was somewhat miraculous about this is that Kathryn got enough delivered that something worked. When I saw the ties, I said, “These are the dullest ties. I don’t wear invisible ties like these!” They said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but this is how they interpreted what you said you want.” It turned out to be perfect! The tie turned out to be the perfect color for what was to come later. Anyway, I gotta take a break.

There’s still a lot to this story, and there’s more than I can tell you today about Donald Trump and who he is and why he’s unbeatable, folks. He’s indomitable. These clowns, the Democrats, still have no idea what they’re up against. They haven’t the slight idea. There’s nobody — there is nobody in the Democrat Party, there’s nobody in American politics — that even comes close to the personality and the overall attitude towards life of Donald Trump. Incredible.


RUSH: Now, look in this story, we’re not even at the White House yet. I still have a ways to go in explaining what all happened here on Tuesday. But there’s not enough time in this segment. I kind of went overboard in the first one, so bear with me here. I just want to reiterate something. You look at what happened in Iowa, and I’ll give you a little… I told the president… There was a meeting.

I’m jumping ahead, but there was a meeting in the Yellow Oval Room. Teddy Roosevelt loved the Oval Office so much, he had an exact replica built in the residence. It’s yellow, and it’s the same dimensions as the Oval Office in the West Wing. The entire Trump family is there, and the subject of the Democrats’ meltdown in Iowa, in the Hawkeye Cauci, came up. I said, “Mr. President, don’t you find it a little ironic?

“These people are running around the last four years claiming you cheated with Russia, you’re gonna cheat in 2020, and look what happened. These people, Silicon Valley is running their operation, and they can’t even count votes. When are they gonna blame Russia for this? When are they gonna blame you for this?” He got a big laugh out of it. What a bunch of incompetent, arrogant…

More on this in a minute.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 7, 2020
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2020, 09:05:23 pm »

The Democrat Party Implodes Exactly as I Predicted

Feb 7, 2020

RUSH: We’ll start with Elliott in Wilmette, Illinois. Thanks, Elliott, for holding on. And welcome to the program. Hi.

CALLER: Thank you for taking my call, Rush. My very, very best wishes for you. I’m very pleased to speak with you. My question has to do with the State of the Union show. From the party we were in, we could see from your surprise, we could hear you saying to yourself, “Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together.” My question is about Nancy Pelosi and did you notice from where you were her pre-tearing of the speech before she did so at the end?

RUSH: Yeah, but I didn’t know what it was. I saw her pre-tearing it, and I had no idea that it was because —

CALLER: Was that before she started or along during it? And the second, what —

RUSH: No. It was —

CALLER: — will that do to the Democrats?

RUSH: No, it was before because clearly she didn’t have the strength to rip it from scratch, so —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — she had to get each page started in advance so that when she went to rip it up.

CALLER: That was before he started?

RUSH: Well, I don’t — no, I think it was after he started.


RUSH: Although I have to say, I only know that based on what I’ve seen since. I didn’t actually see her doing that, the initial rip during the State of the Union speech. Now, what it all means for the Democrats, I don’t think this is complicated, and I wish I had some unique, brand-new, you’ve-never-heard-it-before answer. But you want to know what the impact of this is gonna be on the Democrats? It is going to be devastating.

I’m watching the media today. I’ve watched the media the past couple of days. They’re trying to glaze over this debacle in Iowa. Even media that you think is friendly to us, they’re doing everything they can to salvage this because they need viable opponents for ratings. They need to be able to report that the Democrats have a chance, that the Democrats are gaining ground on Trump.

But, folks, the mistake that they have made from the beginning, they continue to make it. They are incapable of fixing this. For whatever unreasonable, make-no-sense reasons, they hate Donald Trump. And they think everybody else does too. There’s no other reason to do this. But look. Everything they have tried has failed. Everything has blown up on them.

They are the epitome of Wile E. Coyote. They are a laughingstock. They are a joke out there across the fruited plain. They’re not a laughingstock or joke in the media because the media’s invested in ’em, wants ’em to look good, wants ’em to win.

But I’m telling you, ripping up the State of the Union speech that’s chronicling and reporting on the greatness of the State of the Union, the improvements and the changes for the good for everybody that has happened, there’s no sizable constituency out there that hates Trump so much that they’re gonna applaud that. The Democrat Party makes the mistake of assuming that Twitter is national public opinion.

They make the mistake of assuming that Twitter represents a majority of their support. Twitter represents maybe 20% of the thinking of this country. And they’ll never figure this out. Because the media lies to them, and the media pumps them up. And they literally sit there — Pelosi literally thinks that this country hates Trump more and more every day. Why else do this? Why pull a stunt like this? If she thinks that it’s going to harm the Democrats, there’s no reason to do it.

She obviously thinks this is gonna help ’em. And I think it’s a great illustration of how totally out of touch they are and have been for four years. And I’ll tell you something, I don’t think they have ever been close the past three, four years, however you want to tabulate, they’ve not been close to meeting their objectives on Donald Trump. They have not been close to getting rid of him. They’ve not been close to succeeding in impeachment. They’ve not been close on this Russia business.

They have been embarrassingly off bent, out of touch. They have looked mean-spirited and ridiculous to a vast majority of normal Americans to whom their behavior doesn’t make any sense. And the Democrats have no way of knowing that and seeing that. This was a big debacle. This Iowa mess is right along the line with it.

As I said, I’m watching the media, “The Democrats have given the candidates additional time here to work out the –” Come on. This is an embarrassment. What was the result of impeachment? It killed Joe Biden. Impeachment killed Joe Biden. That’s what impeachment did. Impeachment took out Joe Biden. Joe Biden finishes fourth. Biden is finished. Biden was never gonna win this thing.

I’m telling you. How many times did I tell you in June or May 2019? ABC does that story reporting on Biden and his kid, Hunter. I told you they’re trying to take him out. Biden’s not gonna be the nominee, and they don’t want it to be Crazy Bernie. How about the Des Moines Register poll the right before the Hawkeye Cauci? They don’t release it, claiming some kind of snafu. The snafu was they didn’t like the result.

These people, I think, are the ones that manipulate vote counts, not Trump. These are the people that partnered with Russia — well, Hillary Clinton did, with all of that — and no matter what they try, it blows up in their face. But go back. The last week, the last two weeks, the last month, what have you heard in the Drive-By Media? “Joe Biden is leading by a landslide, slam dunk. Joe Biden’s leading in Iowa! Joe Biden wins in Iowa. He’s gonna clear the decks in New Hampshire.”

Joe Biden comes in fourth place in Iowa. Meanwhile, Trump’s got his headline: “Acquitted! Trump Acquitted.” How stupid are they? They knew this was going to be the result. They knew Trump was going to be acquitted, and yet they went ahead with this anyway. Why? Because they think everybody hates Trump. The big mistake they make is they think they represent a majority of thinking in this country.

They think that wacko liberalism/socialism/communism is the majority thinking in this country. It’s not even close. But they think they’ve gotta hold their base together. So I think that’s what Pelosi ripping up the speech was, plus total frustration. Trump was acquitted. He made her look like a political novice when she supposedly is the dean of Washington politicians. Anyway, I appreciate the call.

This is Elizabeth in Columbus, Ohio. You’re next. It’s great to have you. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. It’s good to hear you on the radio.

RUSH: Thank you, ma’am.

CALLER: My question for you is I wonder what lessons you think the Republican leadership are learning from watching the Democratic implosion. How do you think —

RUSH: Well, if you look, the Republican Party’s pretty unified behind Trump.

CALLER: Well, I think they’ve had the benefit of not being in the spotlight. But, you know, the rise of Trump was really because I think on both sides, Republican and Democrat, there are a large portion of people that feel very frustrated with not being heard and, you know, I think that’s what led to Trump winning the Republican nomination. You know, he wasn’t their guy, and Republican base put him in there almost as a referendum I think in some ways against the Republican leadership.

RUSH: No question about it.

CALLER: Well, so what have they learned from that and from watching the Democrats try to deal with the same, you know, divisions in their party? And how are they gonna take that once Trump is out of office?

RUSH: Well, I don’t know for sure what they’ve learned, but I’ll tell you what they should have learned. They should have learned… If they look at Trump’s approval rating, if they look at the economy, he has the highest approval rating ever. Trump’s approval rating as president, after all of this? Elizabeth, after all this impeachment, after all of the Mueller investigation (which was a perjury trap), after the Russia stuff, Trump’s approval rating is at an all-time high.

I think one of the lessons that I see being learned by a whole lot of Republicans is they don’t have to be afraid of the media anymore. If Donald Trump is demonstrating one thing, it’s you don’t have to be afraid of what the media says about you. You can win if you simply connect with a majority of the American people. And Trump did, and he connected with a majority of the American people because, particularly Republicans, they’re fed up. They’ve been lied to campaign after campaign after campaign.

Candidates have promised to do X, Y, and Z year after year after year. They get elected; it doesn’t happen. Take the issue. It doesn’t matter, trade or health care, you name it. Trump comes along, and he is not one of those people. He is, by definition, an outsider who is already well-known, has established an identity with people in his other businesses, and he has the unique ability to speak publicly and be believed.

People take him seriously. They believe he means what he says, that he’s going to do what he’s gonna do, and he does it. And they’ve learned it. And it just, to me, illustrates how many people in this country for so long have been frustrated with the deep state or just the way Washington works. And the way Washington works is it’s all about them and their families and their kids. It’s really not about you — except every election, they make it look like it is.

There are some exceptions here, but most of Washington… Look at the ambassadorial corps that testified against Trump. By the way, did you see Trump might be getting rid of Vindman? Right on, dude! Lieutenant Colonel Vindman — O say can you…? Get rid of him! Get rid of all these saboteurs! Trump’s approval rating will go up to 60% if he does this. Will we find out…? (interruption) We know… (interruption)

Oh, we know who the whistleblower is. He has been outed publicly the moment I mentioned his name. But look, it’s nothing about Trump. Trump doesn’t go back. He’ll slam ’em as they fail, but he’s gonna keep movin’ forward. He leaves them in the dust. All they can do is cry over spilt milk and bellyache and whine and moan. Trump is outmaneuvering them.

He’s out-dancing them. He is zooming and speeding by these people on his agenda, on his approach with the media and so forth. They still don’t know… It’s amazing to me that they still haven’t figured out and don’t seem to care who he really is and how to stop him, which is fine and dandy with me. They continue to just do dumb, ignorant things as they attempt to stay true or whatever to their ideology.


RUSH: We go back to the phones. Sean in Memphis. I’m glad you waited, sir. And hello.

CALLER: Mega dittos, Maha Rushie.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: It’s such an honor to talk to you on probably the most important week in politics of my adult life. I’ve been listening since ’88. And you were talking about, you know, the unique abilities of Donald Trump. And one of the greatest ones I find is that he has the ability to tweak the left so acutely that, I mean, just giving you the Medal of Freedom — not that you don’t deserve it, I a hundred percent believe that — but I know that it tweaked the left so strongly. It probably had everything to do with the tearing of the paper. I mean, it was just amazing.

RUSH: Oh, I’m sure it did. Pelosi’s even said that she thought Trump was going to mention John Lewis when he mentioned my name.


RUSH: Then she starts ripping — in fact, let’s listen to Pelosi. I’ve had people ask me, “Does it bother you what they’re –” No, folks, that’s the point. That’s the whole point of Donald Trump. It shouldn’t bother anybody what they say. It’s predictable. It’s baseless. It’s all the things they claim that they’re not. These are the people that engage in insensitivity and racism and bigotry and all this stuff while claiming they’re the paragons of virtue and attacking everybody on the conservative side as all the isms and so forth. I’ve always thought that it was a testament to my effectiveness. It was always a sign of how I get under their skin. If I didn’t, they wouldn’t even mention it. Here is Pelosi. This is yesterday morning as she held her weekly press conference.

PELOSI: We will not allow any president to use that Capitol, that chamber of the House of Representatives, of the people’s House as a backdrop for him. Now, all presidents have guests, constant guests. That was not a State of the Union. That was a state — his state of mind. Let me say how I can give a Medal of Honor (sic) — do it in your own office. We don’t come in your office and do congressional business. Why are you doing that here?

Quite frankly, when he started talking about someone with stage 4 cancer, all of that, I thought he was — I don’t know which stage John Lewis’ cancer is at, but when you start talking about someone’s cancer, we thought he was gonna talk about John Lewis, a hero in our country. Come on.

RUSH: You see. Trump had no business doing that in her House. We’re not gonna allow any president to use that Capitol, that chamber, people’s House as a backdrop for him. That’s why she ripped up the State of the Union speech. I’m telling you, she has literally no empathy. She has no idea how that was seen — and if she does, if she does, then it was one of the biggest political errors, unforced errors that anybody has ever made.

You don’t like it? Be quiet about it. Move on. Don’t call additional attention to it. But there she is because they think they’ve got — folks, another bit of evidence here. For how long have we been told — a number of years, right? — the Democrat base, the Democrat Party, they hate Donald Trump. They can’t wait for Election Day. They can’t wait to get rid of Donald Trump. It’s the only thing that matters.

So here comes the Hawkeye Cauci. The turnout was, eh. It was embarrassingly light. Nobody even knows what the count was. They’ve got Silicon Valley brains behind their operation and they can’t even tabulate the vote. My theory is they can, and it was so bad they didn’t want anybody to know. They don’t want anybody to know who really won that because whoever probably won it has no prayer of beating Trump.

And I’ll betcha the turnout was tiny. Trump’s not even opposed. And there were far more Republicans that — Trump beat the Obama turnout. You know, Obama was unopposed in 2012. So you get to the Hawkeye Cauci, and a lot of people showed up for Obama to make a statement, “We love the guy. He’s our guy.” More people showed up for Trump than showed up for Obama. Meanwhile, the Democrats are barely over half the turnout that showed up for Trump. So where is all the supposed energy?

You have no idea, you have no idea how often, how frequently, and how largely you have been lied to or misrepresented by mainstream media. And the Democrats don’t, either. They’re falling for all this hook, line, and sinker, as I said, believing everybody thinks about Trump the way they do. And it all boils down — let’s run through the list.

Pete Buttigieg, Mayor Pete. Have you seen Mayor Pete? He’s a programmed, focus grouped candidate that has rehearsed his hand positions for emphasis. He has focus grouped the words. He’s focus grouped the timing, meaning there isn’t anything real. Crazy Bernie has got ’em all scared to death because they think that Crazy Bernie, if he wins, is gonna destroy the Democrat Party.

I got news for you. The Democrat Party’s on the way to total implosion anyway because there isn’t any difference in Crazy Bernie and Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton or any of the other front runners. They all want government in charge of everything. They all want to destroy the economy that has been created in the free market. They want to replace it with massive tax increases. The Democrats are fooling themselves if they believe there’s a smidgen bit of difference in whoever they nominate. “Well, Mayor Pete is a centrist and –” there aren’t any centrists anymore.

You know something, folks? I gotta tell you something else. And those of you who’ve been listening to me for many, many moons know this. This idea that you have 40% left and 40% right and 20% undecided and the 20% undecided are the brilliant ones, they are the smart ones, they’re the ones that haven’t made up their minds, they’re the ones who aren’t partisan, they are the ones who study it issue by issue by issue. And they are the ones who care most about the future of the country. And so every election is a battle for all of that 20 percent.

That’s so bogus. There isn’t any centrism out there in America anymore. We’re so partisan and divided, there isn’t any middle ground. Not to speak of. I mean, some people might think they’re centrist, but they’re not. Most of the people who have been moderates or centrists, are simply liberal Democrats who didn’t want to say so. And they are dwarfed by the number of conservatives in this country. Not in California and New York, but throughout the whole country they are outnumbered by people who will self-identify as conservative versus those who self-identify as liberal.

But the liberals all live in coagulated areas. Parts of New York, parts of California. They don’t get out. They don’t know anybody else, any other way of thinking, and there’s nothing centrist about any of them. I think this is another one of the biggest scams that professional politicians — and if you want to throw media in, too — have been running on the American people, this idea that there’s this great unwashed in the middle, and they’re the ones we gotta pay attention to.

They’re the ones we gotta watch because they’re the ones that are not partisan. They make up their minds issue by issue. They’re not racist. They’re not sexist. They’re not bigoted or any of this other stuff. I have never, for the longest time… It may have been the case some years ago, but I don’t think it’s been the case for a long time, and I think most of those people that used to be classified as centrist, the great unwashed, have moved to our side. Most of them support Trump and don’t admit it.

But when the time comes for them to demonstrate it and show it, there they are and there they will be. They show up at rallies. They show up at the ballot box. Does anybody really think the Democrats have anything that can compare to the Trump rally, to the energy that is at one of those things, to the commitment, to the personal bond that people have with the candidate?

Do you think anybody on the left really has a personal bond with Mayor Pete? I mean, a sizable number. Does anybody have a personal bond with Joe Biden? Crazy Bernie might be the closest that has any kind of a personal bond, but the Democrats are trying to sabotage him again because they think he’s gonna destroy the party. What they don’t know is that it’s already in dire straits, no matter if they nominate Crazy Bernie or not.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 7, 2020
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2020, 09:07:20 pm »

Still Winning: Trump Triumphs in Emoluments Case

Feb 7, 2020

RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number 45. Shortly after 12 noon today, or maybe just before 12 noon, the president was leaving the White House on the way to helicopter, Marine One, to get on a flight down to North Carolina. He was holding something in his hand, and he walked up to the media. This is what he said…

THE PRESIDENT: So I just got this. It was just handed to me. This is the D.C. Circuit, and we just we just won the big emoluments case. I think it was a unanimous decision. This was brought by Nancy Pelosi and her group. It just came out a few minutes ago. So I’ll be reading it on the helicopter. But it was a total win. This was brought by 230 Democrats in Congress on emoluments. It was another phony case, and we won it three to nothing. We won it unanimously.

RUSH: I mean, it’s just another slam dunk. “A federal appeals court [three to nothing] dismissed a lawsuit by congressional Democrats alleging President Donald Trump violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution by refusing to allow lawmakers to review and approve his financial interests,” and, as CNN says here, “The ruling is a major triumph for the president, who’s intensely sought to keep his business affairs in private…

“The case’s dismissal effectively kneecaps one of several attempts Democrats have made to dig up more information about Trump’s business holdings.” Trump has kneecaped ’em on everything. The Democrats have been kneecapped, the media has been kneecapped on virtually everything.

Folks, unemployment news here:

“U.S. Creates 225,000 New Jobs in January, Way Above the Experts’ Prediction of 164,000.”

“Unemployment Rate: 3.6%.”

“Wages Climb 3.1% Yearly Rate in January.”

The approval numbers that Trump has after every attempt the Democrats have made… If I were them, I would seriously be looking at what they’ve done.

You’ve heard me say, “They’ve launched every weapon they know destroys Republicans. They’ve thrown everything at Trump that has gotten rid of any Republican they’ve wanted to take out for as long as I’ve been doing this, and not a one of them — not a one of them — has even come close.” They haven’t even gotten close is the point, despite what the media says. The media has been running Trump’s funeral for three years. He is triumphing over these people like nobody ever has, like no conservative ever has, like no Republican ever has.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 7, 2020
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2020, 09:08:02 pm »

CNN Attacks Joyous State of the Union Reunion

Feb 7, 2020

RUSH: Folks, it was such a joyous occasion. It was unbelievable and something for which not only me, but my family will be eternally grateful for. It’s a very, very special moment indeed. And I thank, again, the president and his family. Vice President Pence called after we left the Capitol and were on the way back to our super-secret location and where we spent the rest of the week.

Oh, one thing. Do you remember later in the evening there was a young mother and her — I think it was two kids sitting just to the left of the first lady. We met her. She was in line in front of us for the photo with the first lady at the White House before we all got in the bus to go over to the Capitol.

And she was so sweet. I don’t want to say she looked sad because I don’t want to mischaracterize her. She may not have been sad, but she clearly is there with her kids, her husband is away in Afghanistan. She’s in the gallery because he and she are going to be recognized. She has no idea the president has flown her husband back, and he’s waiting outside the doors to come down the steps.

And when the president announced that, I mean, the place just erupted. And her face lit up, and her kids were the happiest you’ve ever seen a couple of kids. Sergeant Williams came down the steps, and he hugged his two kids, and she was beside herself. I mean, call it a show, if you will, but it’s more. This is the kind of thing that has deep meaning to people.

And the thought, the idea to do something like this, to extend this kind of honor to people defending the country, I maintain that this is another example of the essence of Trump and his administration and how he has an absolute bond of connection with the people responsible for making this country work.

And as we were walking out, I met Sergeant Williams and posed for a photo. And I jokingly said, “Do you guys have a place to stay tonight?” I was wondering. She didn’t know he was coming, and so she looked at me and she nodded, said, “Yeah, we do.” But that moment, when that was announced and he came bounding down those steps and the look of joy on his kids, oh, heart melt city.


RUSH: So right now, CNN is blowing up the story of the returning sergeant from Afghanistan walking down the steps in uniform to see his wife and children who he hasn’t seen in months. CNN’s got some angry military writer, some woman who says (summarized), “This is bogus. This is reunion porn.” Reunion porn. “This is not what everybody thinks it is when they look at it. There’s often no follow-up, and the administrations that do it don’t care what happens to these people after they leave the House Chamber.

“They may have nowhere to stay! This happen this is reunion porn.” Okay. CNN, keep at it. When are these people going to…? I hope they never do. When are they gonna figure out they’ve been burned? When are they gonna figure out none of this stuff is hurting Donald Trump? It’s only hurting them. They can see their audience dwindle away. They can see the respect that audience has for them dwindle away.

Why even want to step on something like this? Why want to step on a military family being reunited by calling it “reunion porn” because Trump doesn’t really mean it, because Trump doesn’t “follow up”? I was there. I saw this. I shook their hands. I walked out with them. They were deliriously happy. I pointedly asked them if they had someplace to stay. I was gonna get ’em a hotel. I don’t know. I mean, she doesn’t know her husband’s coming home. I don’t know where they live.

I was gonna get ’em a hotel room; then I stopped and said, “No, the president has obviously done that. The administration’s taken care of that.” So I didn’t say anything, but that was my concern. The last thing in the world that would occur to me is to find a way to rip and criticize them. But they just keep on. I don’t know who they think they’re reaching and what they think they’re accomplishing.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 7, 2020
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2020, 09:10:40 pm »
Welcome back, Rush!
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 7, 2020
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2020, 09:12:27 pm »
Nice to hear him back on the air today.

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