Author Topic: North Carolina Sheriffs Attack ICE to Hide the Failures of Sanctuary Policies  (Read 398 times)

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   North Carolina Sheriffs Attack ICE to Hide the Failures of Sanctuary Policies
By Tobias Hoonhout

November 14, 2019 6:30 AM

By refusing to honor ICE detainers, sheriffs in Mecklenburg and Buncombe Counties have put their constituents, documented and undocumented alike, in danger.

For many immigration activists, 2018 was the year of the Section 287(g) bogeyman.

That’s Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1996, to be exact. It authorizes state and local law enforcement to assist in the transfer of illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions to federal authorities. It led to the identification of more than 402,000 illegal immigrants between 2006 and 2015, and it’s part of the reason more immigrants were deported under Obama than under any other president.

But as with all things immigration-related, the argument over 287(g) intensified once President Trump took office. Proponents contended that the provision allows law enforcement to use its resources on criminals rather than on the immigrant population more broadly, while critics charged that it leads to racial profiling and distrust between immigrant communities and the police.