Author Topic: Supreme Court refuses to fast-track a challenge to the Affordable Care Act  (Read 649 times)

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Houston Chronicle by Robert Barnes 1/21/2020

The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a motion to fast-track a challenge to the Affordable Care Act so that it could be considered this term.

Without comment, the justices turned down a motion by the House of Representatives and Democratic-led states to expedite review of a decision last month by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. The panel struck down the law's mandate that individuals buy health insurance but sent back to a lower court the question of whether the rest of the statute can stand without it.

But the lower courts have kept the Affordable Care Act in place as appeals continue, and a practical effect of the Supreme Court's action is that it will stay that way at least through the November elections. Democrats have made health care and defense of Obamacare a key point in the campaign.
