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Rush Transcripts..Nov. 6th
« on: November 06, 2019, 07:52:07 pm »

My Analysis of Tuesday’s Election Results

Nov 6, 2019

RUSH: The elections last night, everybody said, “Oh, my God, Rush. What happened in Virginia. Oh, my God. It’s over. It’s not just Northern Virginia; we lost the Richmond suburbs.” It’s very simple to explain. It’s not good, don’t misunderstand, and Kentucky too. Of course, Kentucky’s a whole different story. You know, Republicans swept the state except for the governor. Of course, what are they telling you about on the news? They’re only reporting the governor’s race.

The Republicans swept that race, first time in 26 years Republicans captured the attorney general job with an African-American conservative. The only thing that went wrong in Kentucky is Bevin, the governor candidate. And, apparently, this is not a nice guy. Apparently, he’s an arrogant, condescending kind of person that doesn’t have any likability or charm. Apparently, Trump’s trip in there helped him by five to eight points. It would have been a landslide if Trump hadn’t gone in there.

But Kentucky is something — I know the media is saying a totally different thing here, but I’m telling you, Kentucky is not a disaster for Trump or the Republicans. In fact, you know what? I’ll give you another take on this. What does the left say about Trump voters? They say they’re a cult. They say that Trump voters will do anything Trump wants. Trump voters are stupid and dumb and idiots. And they don’t think. They have no ability to think because they don’t have any brains. They’re a bunch of racists and sexists and bigots.

Okay. So Trump goes in there, does this big rally for Bevin, running for governor, reelection, the guy loses. Wouldn’t a cult have voted for the guy regardless? Obviously, this guy is not liked, but it’s closer than what they are leading you to believe. Recount, I don’t know.

Folks, I’m not trying to be falsely optimistic here. I’m trying to be realistic in the midst of what continues to be a gigantic bombardment of negative pessimism coming from the media that you just have to try as hard as you can to not be affected by it. Trumps voters are discerning. They didn’t like the guy. And no matter how much — I’ve told you that this movement, whatever you want to call it, existed before Trump came along.

My whole point is that this hatred that is visited upon Trump is actually aimed at us. We’re the ones they really hate. We elected him. We are the ones that they really hate. They think we are the racists. They think we are the bigots. And because of that, we elected Trump. Trump is transient as all presidents are. We’re not. We’re solid. We’re consistent. We’re there. And that’s what they’re really trying to attack and change.

The fact that these Kentucky voters did not show up en masse for Bevin, I think, is an interesting note about Trump voters. Everybody in the media is gonna overlook it, they’re gonna miss it, because they want this to mean Trump has no coattails. They want this to mean that the Trump magic is over. They want this to mean that people are wising up and don’t see Donald Trump as they used to. That’s not what the Kentucky gubernatorial race was all about.

Virginia? I guess, folks… You know, there’s a story in the American Greatness today. It’s a very, very, very, very, very long story. It prints out to four pages, and it’s written by a woman who’s beside herself. How does this leftist hatred of us…? How did it happen? It’s irrational. What explains it? She writes four pages espousing various theories as to why this literal hatred for us has sprung up. She says — based on anecdotal evidence, talking to neighbors and friends — that it’s Charlottesville.

Charlottesville was where there was a Nazi/white supremacist/whatever protest where Trump was misquoted as saying, “There are good people on both sides.” This woman, the writer found from talking to neighbors that ever since that happened, they just hate us. They think we’re Nazis, we’re white supremacists. Every conservative, every Republican is a racist, white supremacist. Charlottesville proved it. Well, okay. But if that’s true — if that’s true — how come their governor can dress up in blackface and advocate killing babies after they’re born and not succumb?

There’s no Republican in blackface. There’s no picture of any Republican in blackface from medical school. That was Ralph Northam, the governor, the governor of Virginia. He was in blackface in the yearbook, the schoolbook for his medical school, and he’s out there saying effectively, “Democrats in Virginia can now dress up in blackface and do whatever it is that we want with babies because Virginia is now ours.”

No, seriously. If it’s Charlottesville… I think Charlottesville was an element of it, but it’s irrational. We’re gonna go crazy trying to figure out why they hate us. There’s no rational explanation for it. You could say branding, you could say marketing, you could say Republicans haven’t pushed back. There’s any number of things you could offer as an explanation. You don’t think there is one thing. But it doesn’t matter.

There’s only one thing to do, and that’s defeat them. Now, why didn’t it happen Virginia? You know, the learned wizards of smart as they analyze what happened Virginia — because now Virginia’s all blue, including a governor who dresses up in blackface and a lieutenant governor who has #MeToo allegations made against him.  Boy, that’s another thing.  You know, here’s ABC News spiking a story on the biggest pedophile in American history, Jeffrey Epstein, because he’s got ties to Bill Clinton.

And yet they revive made-up, unprovable stories from 40 years ago about Brett Kavanaugh!  They don’t spike those stories, they run with ’em. ABC News and the rest of them were trying to destroy Kavanaugh but protecting Epstein because they had to protect Hillary!  If you look at the three years that ABC sat on Amy Robach’s story… She had the goods.  She had the goods on Epstein and Clinton, and ABC spiked it.  They sat on it.  It coincides with Hillary’s primary campaign and becoming the Democrat nominee.

The Democrat Party, the Washington establishment did everything they did to get Hillary Clinton elected, and they still failed.  But stop and think of this.  They sit on absolute proof — and Amy Robach, the reporter, says she had the proof — for three years about Epstein, and Clinton being a close buddy.  They sit on it.  But when 40-year-old lies about Brett Kavanaugh are told, what does ABC News do along with all the rest of the Drive-Bys?

Why, they trumpet those stories. They blast them from their megaphones!  They make a heroine out of somebody who’s obviously not all there, Christine Blasey Ford.  The State of Virginia… Let me tell you something, folks.  Virginia was lost years ago. Years ago.  Northern Virginia is Washington.  Northern Virginia is the Washington establishment.  That’s where the Washington establishment lives: Suburban Maryland, northern Virginia, and also in the District of Columbia.  And then you’ve got the learned wizards of smart.

“Yeah, but, Rush, northern Virginia? Yeah, yeah, but what about the Democrats won the suburbs all the way down to Richmond?  How do you explain that?”  Well, I’ll give it a shot.  I will call it massive swamp and suburban sprawl. I mean, what’s happening, after all?  We talked about it earlier this week, and it’s a political science fact that the real shift to radical leftism in the Democrat Party is happening among white suburbanites — white, college-educated suburbanites — which makes perfectly sense.

They’re going to college, and they’re being indoctrinated and propagandized.  Then they watch the Drive-By Media.  So media and education are the primary influencers.  But where are these people coming from?  These people are fleeing the cities that they have helped corrupt and destroy, and where are they going?  They’re going to suburbia.  It’s not that existing suburbanites like Ward and June Cleaver. What the media wants you to believe that Ward and June Cleaver and Harriet and Ozzie Nelson are all of a sudden becoming radical Democrats.

That’s not what’s happening.  Ward and June Cleaver and Harriet and Ozzie Nelson are still there in suburbia, but a bunch of left-wing wacko fruitcakes are moving in, either from the cities or from out of state — and that’s why radical liberalism is taking over suburbia.  Kentucky.  Kentucky was a no-income-tax state, right?  Texas? A no-income-tax state.

Virginia’s not, but Virginia’s very close to all the money.  The closer you can get to the D.C. Treasury, the more you can get from it is the theory.  Every news organization, every American corporation, every lobbying firm, everybody that wants federal money has an office within 10 miles of the U.S. Department of Treasury.  You can’t put that many trillions of dollars in one location every year and not have it attract a bunch of maggots.

But do not fall for the idea that mom-and-pop American suburbanites are all of a sudden becoming radical leftists.  They’re not.  Mom-and-pop suburbanites are still there.  Their neighborhoods are being overrun by people fleeing to the cities and other liberal states as they flee the messes they’ve made, and they’re going to now create the same messes in the new places that they live, a’la Virginia.  I’ve had people say, “Well, Rush, you know what?  It’s kind of good.

“Virginia is gonna find out now. They’re gonna find out.”  Nah.  Folks, it doesn’t work that way.  They’ve destroyed California and it hasn’t awakened an opposition in California.  They’ve destroyed… What else have they destroyed?  They destroyed New York.  It hasn’t awakened an opposition in New York.  They just leave.  An opposition doesn’t spring up.  They just start trickling out.  They go to other places to corrupt. It’s actually phenomenal thing in a way.


RUSH: Now, you know, there’s this — oh, look. There’s Ralph Northam, Ralph Northam on CNN right now proud as can be that Virginia is now officially blue and the governor can be wearing blackface in the school yearbook and be rewarded for it by people who think the Republicans are a bunch of racist pigs. Isn’t it a great country?
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 6th
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2019, 07:53:25 pm »

Don’t Fear Public Hearings — Remember the Mueller Disaster

Nov 6, 2019

RUSH: Well, it’s like the Mueller doom show out there today. You remember when Trump’s approval numbers jumped down to 39% during the height of the Mueller probe and everybody was panicking, everybody was distraught, everybody was, “Oh, my God, there’s nothing there, but they’re gonna get the guy. Oh, my God. There’s no way we compete. Oh, no, this is over.”

This is exactly what people are doing today. No matter how many times I tell people, “Snerdley, do not get caught up in the media narrative every day.” People can’t help it. And I understand it. I totally understand it, folks. It’s impossible not to, except for people like me who know exactly what’s going on and why and are constantly attuned to it and aware. That’s why you need to listen here each and every day, particularly on days like this where you think all is lost.

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Bevin loss. Oh, my God. It’s over for Trump. Oh, no.” And then Schiff’s announcing that he’s gonna go public with the hearings starting next Wednesday and then take a day off so the media can lie about what we were told on Wednesday on Thursday, and then another hearing on Friday. I just want to remind you of something. The last time they tried this it was a disaster.

We had two and a half years, two years of the Trump-Russia, Mueller collusion, whatever. And it was building and building and everybody, “Oh, my God. It’s gonna be over. They’re gonna get Trump, oh, my God.” And then Mueller went public, and it was a disaster. Mueller testified, he didn’t want to testify, the Democrats dragged him out of the crypt, they say get up here and testify, he did. It was a disaster. Whenever these people, the Democrats in the media, whenever they can make sure everything goes on in private and then lie to us about what’s happening in private, they’re able to set this mood of doom and gloom.

Then they get feeling their oats. They think they’ve done it. They think the media has set the narrative and persuaded the American people that Trump finally has got to go. So then they get their oats and they feel confident and they go public with it, and it bombs. Blasey Ford bombed. It all bombed. Kavanaugh, all of this stuff bombs when they go public with it.

When they have the advantage of privacy, when they’re doing everything behind closed doors and the media is responsible for reporting to everybody what’s going on, like cherry-picking these transcripts of depositions, of witnesses before little Schiff’s committee, they paint this picture, it’s over for Trump. “Oh, my God. There’s a quid pro quo. Oh, my God. Trump is digging up dirt. Oh, my God. It’s over.” They go public after they think they’ve persuaded everybody, and it ends up being a disaster.

Now, Mueller actually was a disaster. But, see, what’s gonna befall them here, folks, is all this buildup. We’re now into three years of buildup. Three years of every claim the Democrats have made, Trump colluded with Russia, Trump stole election, Trump has Hillary’s emails, Kavanaugh had a rape train, whatever it is, none of it ever pans out. They build all these expectations up. The moment of truth comes, the big reveal, in public, and it is met with a thud.


RUSH:  Mere moments ago, little Pencil Neck Adam Schiff strode to the microphones to announce the public testimony of witnesses to Donald Trump “digging up dirt on his opponents.” He’s continuing to lie about this.  Here’s the statement. Eh, it wasn’t a statement.  It was a little announcement that Pencil Neck made just like a half hour or so.

SCHIFF:  We are getting an increasing appreciation for just what took place, uh, during the course of the last year. Uh, and the degree to which the president, uh, enlisted whole departments of government in the illicit aim of trying to get Ukraine to, uh, dig up dirt on a political opponent. Uh, as well as further a conspiracy theory about the 2016 election that he believed would be beneficial to his reelection campaign.  Uh, so those open hearings will be an opportunity for the American people to evaluate the witnesses for themselves, to make their own determinations about the credibility of the witnesses, but also to learn firsthand about the facts of the president’s misconduct.

RUSH:  Okay.  So remember it was a couple weeks ago Schiff was chairing a public hearing of the Intelligence Committee, and he was quoting the president during his phone call to the president of Ukraine. He said (summarized), “The president ordered the president of Ukraine to ‘dig up dirt’ on Joe Biden and his kid — ‘make it up’ if he had to! He told him nine times to do it, and ‘don’t get back to me until you’ve found it. Furthermore, you’re not gonna get any U.S. aid money until you do.'”

It was entirely made up, and it took the Republicans 30 minutes to call him out on it.  So for 30 minutes it lived as true for those who watched it!  Trump didn’t tell the Ukrainian president any of that. The transcript has been released!  There’s no “dig up dirt,” period!  There’s no “make up dirt,” period.  There’s not even a command.  There’s not even a formal request!  It’s almost like in a throwaway. “By the way, could you do me a favor?

“We’re doing some things here,” blah, blah, blah, blah.  So Schiff is lying about it, and therefore he’s setting these expectations very high.  He says, “Now the American people will be able to see themselves, learn firsthand the facts about the president’s misconduct.” There isn’t anybody that’s gonna testify that the president made up dirt or asked anybody to.

But he’s lying in this statement here just like he continues to lie, claiming that he has evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.  And then he says, “as well as further a conspiracy theory about the 2016 election that he believed would be beneficial to his campaign.” That’s Russia.  The guy is still pushing things that have blown up in their faces when they’ve gone public with it.  So now the American people are gonna expect all kinds of really bad stuff that President Trump’s been doing.


RUSH: There’s this phenomenon out there. And I’m sure you’ve noticed it. On a day like this where you’ve got Schiff opening up the hearings to the public, “We’re gonna get Trump, the media’s all over it, we’re gonna get Trump, we’re gonna get Trump.” And then you’ve got the elections, and Virginia finishes the trend. There’s nothing unusual about Virginia going blue. It’s been headed in that direction. The Republicans haven’t put any money in there. It’s sad, it’s disappointing, but it’s not surprising what happened in Virginia.

Kentucky is being entirely misrepresented. As far as the media’s concerned, the only race there that matters is the governor’s race because the Republican lost it. So they’re telling you Trump’s losing his mojo. So when these days happen, what is the phenomenon? Well, the phenomenon is that Washington Republicans get scared. And they start saying things that make it look like they’re gonna get ready to abandon Trump.

It’s like clockwork. And that’s why I opened the program the way I did. You’ve gotta fight these days because they are constant. The media is filled with nothing but lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and the stuff they don’t cover is just as scandalous as the way they do report the stuff they do cover. So today Lindsey Graham — depending on the day that you look, Lindsey Graham is Trump’s best friend, right? Some days Lindsey Graham, he’s up there defending Trump, he’s side by side, just loves him some Trump.

Lindsey Graham said either today or yesterday — he’s chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee — said it would be a big problem if Trump asked Ukraine for help investigating Biden. What? No. Why say this? It didn’t happen. Not the way it’s being portrayed. So he comes out, and here’s the phenomena. When Trump bombshells hit or whenever there is even more than the norm of negative news about Trump, these guys get scared.

They get scared that they’ll be alone and ridiculed and so they begin triangulating. They cover their bases. “Well, that would be a big problem if Trump actually asked Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden. Be a big problem, be a big,” blah, blah. It’s triangulating. And then when Trump survives, guess what? They become his best friends again. Have you noticed this? It’s a singular phenomena among Republicans in Washington.

Lindsey Graham is by no means the only example of this. He’s just current today. In fact, we’ve got a sound bite of Lindsey Graham, let me find it, number seven. Here it is. It’s not what I just quoted but it’s along the same lines. This was this morning on Capitol Hill, Senator Graham speaking to reporters about Ambassador Sondland changing his testimony. Ambassador Sondland did not change his testimony! That’s another lie. Ambassador Sondland did not change his testimony.

I’ll explain. But, you know, I’m getting tired of this, to be honest. I’m getting tired of having to do it. They come out, they misrepresent what people say, they twist what people say to make it conform with what they want anybody to say, what they want the news to be.

We have to come in here and clean it up and we’re always second at it because we can’t beat them to the punch, I can’t start the program — well, I could, actually. “Folks, they’re gonna lie about Sondland. Be on the lookout for it.” But that would mean every program I’d have to spend predicting the next day what the Democrats are gonna do, and the media.

Sondland did not change his testimony. It is a gross, gross misrepresentation of what he did yesterday. Anyway, this is another example because, okay, the news is that Sondland changed his testimony. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Sondland says there was a quid pro quo. Oh, my God.”

So now it’s time for Trump supporters to start triangulating, to cut their losses, to maybe position themselves so if Trump did it, they can always jump off the ship. So here’s Lindsey Graham talking to the media this morning.

GRAHAM: I’ve read the transcript for myself. I made up my own mind. Volker, the special envoy, said there was no quid pro quo. Sondland has changed his testimony to say he presumes there was. What I can tell you about the Trump policy toward the Ukraine, it was incoherent. It depends on who you talk to. They seem to be incapable of forming a quid pro quo.

RUSH: See? It’s incoherent. I’ve read the transcript. It’s incoherent. Incoherent foreign policy, Ukraine, incoherent. They’re incapable of doing a quid pro quo. So now Trump’s incompetent. Incapable of doing a quid pro quo ’cause he doesn’t know what he’s doing in this whole field of endeavor with Ukraine anyway.

Now, the key is the transcript of the phone call is all anybody needs to read. The fact that Trump released it is still what’s guiding all of this. It’s blown up in their faces. And you’re just gonna have to trust me on this. They fully intended that transcript to remain secret. They thought Trump would never release it. They could characterize it however they wanted to as a cover-up, as obstruction.

But Trump released it so therefore there’s no need for a whistleblower, there’s no need for any of these witnesses, absolutely none. And yet they’re going ahead with it. That’s what these Republicans ought to be saying, not that there’s incoherence here, the incompetence is such that they couldn’t come up with a quid pro quo if they wanted to. Come on.

Now, Trump will survive this, and then next week all these people become Trump’s best friends, and he’ll be brilliant again, and he’ll be smart again and be out running his enemies, his opponents. What it boils down to is that all the people on our side have to play it fast and loose with the media so that whatever happens, they’re positioned to be able to not be harmed by it. It’s entirely a defensive posture.

Yet what was so hard about what Rand Paul did Monday night? There’s nothing defensive about Rand Paul and his claim about the whistleblower and the need for prosecution and defending Trump. So what is this all about? Well, you’re at the right place to find out. I’m happy to tell you.

So Schiff announces about an hour ago that the first public hearings in his impeachment inquiry are gonna be held next Wednesday, November 13th, which – wait, just double-check something here. It’s Wednesday. Next Tuesday is the Disney+ launch. Well, maybe that is the 13th as well. Disney’s new streaming service. I’m just getting confused. At any rate, November 13th is when little Schiff is gonna begin his public hearings.

And remember, he’s setting it up by the American people are gonna learn how Trump told them to dig up dirt. Now, nobody has testified to that. So the first day of public hearings will be Wednesday, November 13th. The next day will be Friday the 15th. So Thursday’s gonna be a bye. No hearings so that the media can use Thursday to pound the lies and the misrepresentations of what was said on Wednesday, give the media time to promote whatever they want out of the first hearing.

So now we’re gonna do… You know, Schiff’s gonna preside over one of his Stalin-like show trials starting next Wednesday, and Schiff is the decider in all these things, as is typical of a show trial.  He also announced that his witness on the first day is gonna be none other than the irrefutable, the unattackable, the uncriticizable, the perfect William Taylor.  His witness the second day will be Marie Yovanovitch.

All of these people are gonna say, “Trump went outside the interagency group to people conducting foreign policy, not us.  They didn’t know what they were doing.  This is dangerous.”  There was no word as to when Republicans will be able to call Schiff himself as a witness.  Schiff’s never gonna be called as a witness.  The Republicans are out there claiming he’s a fact witness because he had a role in shepherding the whistleblower through this, which is in violation regulations, rules, and perhaps even laws.

But you notice, my friends, who Schiff is not calling here on these first two days of hearings? He’s not calling the whistleblower — who, by the way, Donald Trump Jr. identified in a tweet today.  Did you hear about this?  AP is saying (summarized), “We still can’t independently confirm name of the whistleblower, so we’re not gonna print the name.  But Donald Trump Jr., that pig, he did it!”  Everybody knows who the whistleblower is.  Anyway, I digress.

Schiff is not calling the whistleblower, and he’s not calling the lieutenant colonel, Alexander Vindman, to be a witness, either, in these two hearings — and that’s when the ratings are gonna be the highest.  Remember all of the excitement when that doddering special counsel Robert J. Mueller XIX was going to testify? Remember how that blew up on them?  Okay.  So why is Lt. Col. Vindman, who they’ve really…? I mean, they’ve hyped this guy up.

“You can’t criticize him, either.  Why, he’s a decorated Army lieutenant colonel. He went to West Point, has shrapnel in his body from Vietnam.  He’s a Ukraine expert, born there. You can’t criticize him. (sputtering) You can’t… You can’t… You just can’t!” So why’s he not being called?  Well, we can only surmise.  My surmise is Schiff doesn’t think Vindman is the strongest witness, or it’s possible that he thinks Taylor is the best because Taylor’s unassailable.

Taylor looks like he is from central casting, U.S. national security official, national security diplomat. William Taylor may be the absolute best first witness as far as images, photo-ops are concerned. Maybe he’s looking at Vindman as cleanup, the guy that’s gonna finally knock it all out of the park.  We’ll just have to wait and see.

But he’s not putting Vindman up there when the ratings are gonna be the highest and the interest is gonna be the highest, which tells me that he doesn’t think Vindman is the strongest witness. Even though we were told all last week that Vindman’s testimony was the real, honest to goodness most smoking of the smoking guns — that Vindman had the goods, that Vindman was the guy that was gonna nail Trump — and his credibility cannot be impeached.  “You can’t challenge him.  You can’t disagree.  You can’t.

“Just like you couldn’t with Obama because he’s the first African-American, you can’t challenge the credibility of Lieutenant Colonel Vindman because he’s a West Point graduate and wears the uniform of the Army.” So not calling Vindman also tells me that Pencil Neck isn’t gonna push this phone call as Trump’s most impeachable offense anymore, which makes sense, ’cause the transcript of the phone call is out and it doesn’t jibe with anything anybody is saying about it.


RUSH:  Okay.  So if they’re gonna call William Taylor first instead of Vindman, it means that Schiff is gonna focus on other crimes.  I think… Folks, the quid pro quo thing has kind of faded away, and you’ll notice — if you listen carefully — they’re not even talking about it. The media is, but if you listen to Schiff and the Democrats, they’re moving on to something else now: Extortion and bribery.  There wasn’t a quid pro quo.  The transcript can counter anything Vindman says — and Taylor.

Vindman is the only one of Schiff’s anti-Trump witnesses who was on the Zelensky phone call.  Nobody else was on that call — well, of the witnesses — and since neither Taylor nor Yovanovitch were on the call or know anything about it and they are the first two witnesses, then it would tell me that Schiff’s gonna deemphasize the quid pro quo, but maybe not the digging up dirt — extortion, bribery. “You’re not gonna get the aid ’til you dig up dirt.”

If Schiff literally tries to make a case that Trump told the president of Ukraine to make up and dig up dirt, then this is gonna bomb exactly like Mueller bombed on ’em.  David Marcus at The Federalist today:  “Desperate Democrats Drop ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Rhetoric, Now It’s ‘Extortion’ and ‘Bribery’ — The hours of transcripts of witnesses in the Ukraine impeachment inquiry rack up and continue to underwhelm, Democrats and their allies in the media have seized on a new tactic. The old … term ‘quid pro quo,’ is about to go the way of the Dodo.

“In its place the terms ‘extortion’ and ‘bribery’ will fly about like hot air balloons in California wine country. … The supposed justification for this ramping up of the rhetoric is an amendment that Ambassador Gordon Sondland made to his testimony before the impeachment inquiry in which he said that on September 1st, 10 days before aid to Ukraine was released, he told a Ukrainian official that that aid was not likely to flow if a promise was not made to investigate the gas company Burisma, which employed Hunter Biden.

“Such a promise was never delivered. Though Sondland’s revision of his testimony is being heralded as a bombshell (what isn’t)…” Everything is a freaking “bombshell” to the media today! So this “is being heralded as a bombshell [but] the revelation [by Sondland] doesn’t change the basic facts of the case.” The word “presume” is all over his testimony. (summarized) “I presume there was a quid pro quo. After hearing this other testimony, I presume there was.” But it doesn’t fundamentally change anything.

The reason that they’re making a big deal out of Sondland is because he’s revising his testimony, bro! He’s revisin’ the testimony. That allows them to characterize Sondland as, “You know what?  I got caught lying, and now that Taylor — who can’t be impeached — is telling the truth, I’d better change my story.” That’s what they’re trying to make you believe, that Sondland tried to get away with lying about this, and he’s got caught. So now he’s trying to change it, so he doesn’t go to jail.  That’s what they’re trying to tell you happened here with Sondland, and it isn’t.

I’m so sick of having to do this every damn time these people try one of these maneuvers, but it’s the damn truth, folks.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 6th
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2019, 08:22:06 pm »

Correcting the Unending Lies of Adam Schiff

Nov 6, 2019

RUSH: It’s the fastest three hours in media, Rush Limbaugh, doing play-by-play of the news, one of my primary responsibilities, correcting the unending array of lies and distortions reported as news by the Drive-By Media.

Let me give an example. To show you just how on the surface ridiculous this is, the transcript of the phone call between President Trump and the president of Ukraine has been released. What we are getting, all of these witnesses who’ve shown up before Schiff’s little Stalin show trial exercise are just telling us their opinions of it. That’s all they’re doing. And those opinions are then being reported as hard, cold fact.

The transcript itself is almost being used as irrelevant evidence whereas the opinion of people who were on the call is more important. And, in fact, people who were not on the call like William Taylor and Yovanovitch, the first two witnesses, were not on the call, their opinions of it are being reported as fact, and the transcript itself is being ignored.

In the transcript, there is no quid pro quo, there is no threat, there’s no request to dig up information or make it up. Yet that’s what the chairman of this committee, Adam Schiff, is saying. Adam Schiff hasn’t been telling the truth about anything since Trump was elected. Adam Schiff has lied about Trump-Russia collusion. He has said that he has incontrovertible evidence of it. He has never produced it because there isn’t any.

He lied on the Kavanaugh situation. He was a full-fledged believer in every lie told about Judge Kavanaugh. And he got on that train and continued to lie, and he’s lying now about the phone call between Trump and Zelensky. He said that the president asked Zelensky eight or nine times to dig up dirt, to make it up, and not to get back to him, the president, until he had found some of that, that dirty evidence. And then he threatened to withhold aid, Schiff said.

None of that happened. The transcript exists as the fact of the phone call. The transcript is being ignored, the media doesn’t talk about it. They talk about every witness and those witnesses’ opinions. And every one of these witnesses is from the deep state foreign policy interagency group. Some are at the State Department, some are at the NSA, some are at the CIA, some are ambassadors, part of the State Department ambassadorial corps.

And that makes up the interagency group, and they’re simply upset that Trump was doing all this without their counsel and advice, that Trump was doing this by going around them, that Trump was doing this by not using them, the deep state. So they have testified that their opinion is that Trump was doing a quid pro quo, and their opinion is that this is unseemly what the president did. Except the opinion is being reported as fact because these witnesses are all told us by the media that they’re unassailable, we can’t question them. Their integrity is beyond reproach. You don’t dare doubt them.

So it’s Alice in Wonderland. Then Schiff goes out today, and in his opening statement, presumes the guilt of the president in setting up what is an inquiry. This is an inquiry. This is an investigation. And yet Schiff presumes the guilt of the president. Listen to it again. Audio sound bite number 18 in three, two, one.

SCHIFF:  We are getting an increasing appreciation for just what took place, uh, during the course of the last year. Uh, and the degree to which the president, uh, enlisted whole departments of government in the illicit aim of trying to get Ukraine to, uh, dig up dirt on a political opponent. Uh, as well as further a conspiracy theory about the 2016 election that he believed would be beneficial to his reelection campaign.  Uh, so those open hearings will be an opportunity for the American people to evaluate the witnesses for themselves, to make their own determinations about the credibility of the witnesses, but also to learn firsthand about the facts of the president’s misconduct.

RUSH: See there? Learn firsthand about the facts of the president’s misconduct, from a guy who has yet to tell the truth, folks. I don’t know if it even matters anymore, truth, lies, when it comes to protecting Democrats, leftists, Washington establishment.

Again, Adam Schiff lied about Trump-Russia collusion, claims that he’s got evidence, incontrovertible evidence. He’s never shown it, doesn’t have it, lied about it. Lied about Kavanaugh, followed all the lies about Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, Michael Avenatti, this endless parade of efforts to get rid of Donald Trump.

He’s lined up behind every one. And now the big lie that Trump asked the president of Ukraine to make up and dig up dirt, so now you can finally say, “We found it. You gonna be able to see the evidence of the president’s misconduct starting next Wednesday.” Presumption of guilt.
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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 6th
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2019, 08:48:03 pm »

Quid Pro Quo Is Out, Bribery and Extortion Are In

Nov 6, 2019

RUSH: Audio sound bite number 4, just to show you. Cookie had this on the sound bite roster that she sent to me. I always get a rough copy of it a half hour before the program. Audio sound bite number 4. What did I just tell you? Democrats have dropped this quid pro quo angle, and they have replaced that now with the president having committed extortion and bribery. And we put together a montage to illustrate that from yesterday, last night, and this morning.

GLENN KIRSCHNER: Take the term quid pro quo, ball it up and throw it in the trash, and let’s call this what it is, it’s bribery.

WOLF BLITZER: Does this amount to extortion?

ERIC SWALWELL: The president was leading an extortion scheme.

LEON PANETTA: The clear definition of bribery.

EUGENE ROBINSON: They know extortion when they see it.

ARI MELBER: There was a bribery plot.

JILL WINE-BANKS: There was definitely extortion.

DANA BASH: Whether or not there really was a bribery.

ALI VELSHI: It’s bribery.

GERRY CONNOLLY: It’s pretty clear that there was an explicit extortion.

OHN GARAMENDI: We keep using the word quid pro quo, but the accurate word here is bribery and extortion.

RUSH: Isn’t it amazing how these things happen, these montages? They get a fax, somebody gets the walking orders or the marching orders and they go out and they all start speaking on cue. So now it’s not a quid pro quo. Now, you know what’s interesting about this to me? There have been a lot of people, and I should say people on our side, who have said, “You know what the president needs to do? The president just needs to acknowledge there was a quid pro quo and say it’s not impeachable. It’s the only way to deal with this!”

That’s what some people are saying. I, of course, reject it ’cause it accepts the premise, which I don’t do. I refuse to accept any premise the media launches with, I refuse to accept it until I’ve looked at it. There’s no knee-jerk reaction from me to believe anything they do because intelligence guided by experience is don’t believe ’em.

So when our people, some of our people, say, “You know what?” Somebody even said, “You know what the answer to this is? The president should just apologize.” A Never Trumper said that. “If the president would just apologize, he could end this.” Right. So people on our side saying the president’s got to acknowledge quid pro quo, then say it’s not impeachable because we do quid pro quos in foreign policy all the time. We withhold aid for all kinds of reasons. We tie the issuance of foreign aid to all kinds of conditions, which is true, and it’s a quid pro quo.

But quid pro quo in this scenario does not mean anything but crime. That’s why they want the president to agree to it. They want him to agree that he might have committed a crime, but it’s not an impeachable crime. In my view that would be a very grave mistake because I don’t think you give these people anything, because giving them anything is not the way to get them to go away. They don’t go away. You can’t give ’em enough. They’re never happy.

Totally agree with ’em on something and they’re a still not happy and want more. They’re never happy no matter what is the bottom line. Why anybody wants to hang with these people I’ll never know. They’re never happy, they never laugh, they never smile. I can’t understand what it is that’s attractive about these people, but obviously something is. The deranged must be drawn to other deranged people. There must be some invisible bond there that we can’t see.

So now, all of a sudden…? By the way, why has quid pro quo gone away? Why are they gonna broom that, do you think?  ‘Cause transcript was released, folks, and there isn’t a quid pro quo in it!  That’s why, and that’s why Vindman is not gonna be one of the first witnesses, because that was his angle. (impression) “I was so disturbed by that call.  I was so distressed.  The president was demanding a quid pro quo.”  Well, they’re not going the quid pro quo route anymore.

So they’re not gonna call Vindman. The fact that they’re not calling him among the first two is all the evidence you need that the quid pro quo thing has been abandoned.  But it’s been replaced, as you just heard, by “bribery” and “extortion.”  And, by the way, “bribery” is a keyword because it actually appears in the impeachment clause in the Constitution.  “High crimes and misdemeanors, bribery,” blah, blah, blah.  So they’re gonna say here (sniveling), “It’s worse than a quid pro quo.

“The president was bribing! He was bribing the president of Ukraine. ‘You better dig up dirt, you’d better make it up on Biden and his stupid kid or I’m not gonna give you money.'” He was bribing him, is what they’re gonna try to say.

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Re: Rush Transcripts..Nov. 6th
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2019, 09:29:21 pm »

Voters Blame Republican Party for Surrendering to Democrats

Nov 6, 2019

This is Madison Heights, Virginia, and Kim.  You’re up first, and it’s great to have you here.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  Thank you.  You know, I was listening to you, and a lot of the reasons why Virginia went Democrat with this election.  Let me explain something.  You know, I’m gonna put the blame solely on the GOP of Virginia.  They did nothing.  They did absolutely nothing.  There were at least 30 districts in which Democrats ran unopposed.  Unopposed.

RUSH:  Thirty, did you say?

CALLER:  I’m sorry?

RUSH:  Thirty districts unopposed? Democrats had no opponent?

CALLER:  No opponent.  No opponent whatsoever.  My thing here is — and this is what’s making me so angry — where is the GOP?  For years, Democrats have defined who Republicans and conservatives are.  They’re not vocal, the GOP. They’re not out there. They’re not going door-to-door.  You know, I live in a very red district here.  Who comes knocking on my door?  A Democrat volunteer.  No Republicans.  The only thing I received from the Republicans were a few fliers in the mail.  How do you expect to win if you’re not going into these districts?

RUSH:  Well, now, wait, wait, wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Maybe they don’t expect to win.  Maybe they have electorally tossed Virginia aside.  Maybe they have concluded it’s a waste of money and a waste of time. The trend is established; they can’t stop it. So they’ll spend their time effort and elsewhere.

CALLER:  Well, you know what?  They need to stop that.  You know, Virginia is changing, the nation is changing, and the GOP needs to change with it.  They really do.  If you’re gonna sit here and give up all the time, then what’s the point?  Dissolve the party and hand it over to the Democrats.

RUSH:  Well, I don’t know that that’s what happened.  I’m just throwing it out there because —

CALLER: No, no. I’m just saying. I mean, they’re so good as losing.  Here’s Trump out there fighting.  He tells everybody… At any rally you go to, any press conference he does, he goes out there and he tells everybody what he’s done, what he’s accomplished, all of these things.

RUSH:  Well, he’s also trying to help other Republicans out there, Kim, in addition to the self-serving thing.

CALLER:  I understand that.  But we need more than that.  You can’t just ride on Trump’s coattails, okay?  You can’t.  We’re out there.  Trump supporters are out there.  Conservatives are out there.  We get on social media.  When we talk to people, we do our part.  But the GOP wants —

RUSH:  Yeah, but you get shadow banned on social media.

CALLER:  Well, absolutely.  Doesn’t mean that we stop.  Doesn’t mean we stop, Rush.  We’re still out there.

RUSH:  I’m not advocating you stop.  I just threw out the idea. I don’t understand it, either, so I’m just giving you an alternative explanation, ’cause it doesn’t make any sense unless they have just figured it’s impossible to win there and there’s better places to spend time and money.

CALLER:  True.  But here’s the thing.  How do you know if you don’t go into these districts?  How do you know?

RUSH:  Well, you listen to your consultants who tell you. (Snort!)

CALLER:  Consultants?

RUSH: (chuckling)

CALLER: I guarantee you they’re a bunch of old people.

RUSH:  Like the guy that got Jeb Bush three delegates with a hundred million bucks.

CALLER:  Listen, if the GOP wants to win… Look, Trump has shown you can win.  You can!

RUSH:  I agree with you.

CALLER:  Republicans don’t go out!

RUSH:  I agree. I think Trump is an excellent role model for all kinds of people that want to win things.  I think there’s a… You know, in a sane world… In fact, let me pose a question.  I’ve got 15 seconds before the break. Let me pose a question.  After Trump, whenever it is, what kind of candidate will the next Republican nominee be?  Let me hear what you think about that, in addition to whatever else that you want to talk about. Thank you, Kim.


RUSH:  Boy, I checked my email, and Kim calling from Virginia… Kim, you’ve got so many people echoing what you said.  I’ve got people saying, “Rush, it’s happening in North Carolina.  Everybody thinks North Carolina is red.  It isn’t.  We’re losing the state.  The GOP isn’t anywhere to be found.  The same thing is happening in North Carolina.” I heard this in three or four different emails here.

Somebody said, “People in Virginia said the same thing when Ken Cuccinelli lost when he ran for governor.  They said the GOP did absolutely nothing to try to elect him.” Who was the last Republican governor of Virginia?  Do you remember the guy’s name? (interruption) He was kicked out in a gigantic scandal for which the Clintons have been paid handsomely.  He and his wife got caught up in something. Bob something. Not Bob.  See? We don’t even remember his name.

It was just ten years ago, five years or so ago.  It was a guy before The Punk.  They had Terry McAuliffe and then Ralph Northam in blackface move into the statehouse. (interruption) Bob McDermott! That’s it. Is it McDer…? (interruption) Bob McDonnell.  He was a Mc something, Bob McSomething. He got thrown out of there some sort of scandal involving him and his wife.  Meanwhile, the king… (interruption) What?  Taking…? (interruption) Oh, yeah, taking gifts.

Yeah, we looked the other way at the Corvette. (I made that up.  He didn’t get a Corvette.  They were giving little chintzy little gifts out there.  He was taking the things.) That’s the last Republican governor.  But, anyway, my email’s being overrun with people echoing the last call.  Here’s Anthony in Sarasota, Florida.  Hi, Anthony.  Great to have you with us, sir.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hey, thank you, Mr. Limbaugh.  Millennial Trump voter right here.

RUSH:  Well, welcome.  Great to have you here!

CALLER:  Well, thank you for having me on.  I’ve listened to you for nonstop for, I’d say, since a few days before Trump got elected and just haven’t stopped since.  So —

RUSH:  I really appreciate that.  Thank you so much.

CALLER:  Absolutely.  So I don’t want the Republicans to panic, the people that listen to your show to panic, because you gotta… I was looking at the numbers, right?  ‘Cause I’m, like… I’ve learned to think like you where you don’t just read something and then react. So Bevin was actually ranked the worst governor in the United States.  Also, Daniel Cameron who was an African-American attorney general who just won, got 820,000 votes, compared to Bevin, 704,000 votes.

RUSH:  Right.

CALLER:  That is a majorly flawed candidate for governor.  So the Republicans are still there, but if they don’t like you, you’re not getting in.

RUSH:  Okay.  So how would you explain that Trump goes in there Monday — big rally, overflowing like every Trump rally. He brought Bevin up to the stage. Bevin had an, oh, five-minute appearance. They didn’t give him a whole lot of time, but he came up there and most of the time… I watched it. Most of the time Bevin was talking was in praise of Trump.  Trump clearly went in there to help Bevin, and it got him, I’m sure, a lot more votes than he otherwise would have had, but it wasn’t enough to push him over the top. So what do you make of that?

CALLER:  Well, I mean… So I’m not from Kentucky.  I’m from Florida.  But the guy just didn’t have the appeal.  I think that he got in some issues with the teachers’ union who went after him, and then I think… I’ve heard a lot of things that you had said earlier about how he’s pretty arrogant and not a likable guy. If you have Trump come in and say, “Hey, we’re in a runoff.  I mean, this is 5,000 votes apart,” you never know.  The Democrats love to register dead people. So you don’t know how this is gonna end.  But my last point that I want to make so I can continue to listen to you is that, man, us Republicans are so racist that we… I guess we voted for a black attorney general in Kentucky, right?

RUSH:  You know, I’m glad you bring that up.  You’re a Millennial so you’re in your early thirties, late twenties?

CALLER:  I’m 30.

RUSH:  It’s a frustrating thing, because despite all of the evidence that Republicans are not racist — and you just cited the attorney general winning by a tremendous number of votes in Kentucky, an African-American. How many Republicans voted for Obama in 2008?  He wouldn’t have been elected president if a bunch of ’em hadn’t.  But, anyway, the point is — and I’m sharing with you the benefit of 30 years of doing this program.  I’m now 68, and there isn’t any evidence that will change their minds.

If you’re talking about Democrats and leftists — liberals — who think we’re racist, there’s nothing you can do to change their mind.  You can show them however many black people that you’ve supported, how many you voted for, how much assistance you have given to legislation that would promote interests of African-Americans.  Nothing, nothing, nothing will change their mind.  People are actually starting to pull their hair out about it now — about why this is — because it’s irrational.

This is an irrational belief that every Republican is a Klansman, is a white supremacist — because that’s where we are right now.  So you cite the example, “Well, look at Kentucky: Republicans just elected almost by record numbers an African-American attorney general first time,” and it won’t matter.  It will not permeate.  I’m just warning, be prepared to have your own common sense shocked repeatedly as you grow older because it’s gonna continue to mystify you.

CALLER:  Well, thank you for having me.

RUSH:  You bet.  I’m glad you’re out there, and I want you to stay.  I want to share with you a tweet I got last night.  It was not a tweet.  It was a copy-and-paste job of a tweet.  Don’t mistake…  I was not on Twitter. (interruption) Some…? (interruption) That’s right.  No, no, no, I’m not on Twitter. We got a Twitter page and we post some things there, but I don’t do it.  No.  I am not a tweeter.  But I did get a tweet that was copied to me, and I’m not gonna mention the name of who it is because I don’t have permission to do that.

I just want to read it to you in its entirety.  “First, Bevin’s loss isn’t Trump’s fault or a GOP problem, it’s a Matt Bevin problem. Look at any of the downballot races. Bevin is the *only* Republican to lose. Cameron won AG by 16.” This is the African-American Republican. He won attorney general “by 16 [points] over a former Dem AG. Ball won by 20 points.” “But Bevin has always been an arrogant jerk who came from the Northeast and settled in Louisville.

“He clearly has a savior complex, imagining he’s the man sent to save the beknighted hillbillies” of Kentucky. “Other than having a Democrat as governor, no one in the Kentucky GOP is going to be sorry to see Bevin go. Certainly not [The Turtle] who Bevin once primaried and would never endorse [The Turtle] after losing to him. Matt Bevin will be a friendless man.” “I’m sorry to see Andy Beshear,” the Democrat, become the governor, “but if that’s the price to pay to rid the Kentucky GOP of Matt Bevin it may be worth it.”

I got this last night around 10 o’clock when it was — 9:41 when this thing came in last night. (interruption) That’s pretty –(interruption) No, no, no. It doesn’t explain — (interruption) Well, that was Virginia. This is Kentucky. Thirty seats unopposed in Virginia. This is Kentucky. Kentucky was a Republican sweep, but don’t turn on CNN. You will not see that. You’ll see Kentucky as a Trump loss and as an indicator that Trump is gonna lose the presidency. That’s what Kentucky is today. Virginia is more of the same.

Since I brought it up, let me find this piece. I’ve quoted it three or four times. I told you I wasn’t gonna get into it ’cause it’s four pages, but now I’ve kind of obligated myself to since I’ve referenced it so many times here. Let me take a break. I gotta do that now. It’s this piece by Karin, K-a-r-i-n, Karin McQuillan, American Greatness, “How Did Democrats Get Here?” You’ll find it interesting.

You’ll find it interesting.


RUSH: So I have this here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers, and it does print out to four pages. I’m not gonna read the whole thing, don’t worry. American Greatness. “Democrats’ Embrace of Thuggery Over Democracy is Not Normal.” That’s the subhead. The title of the column is, “How Did Democrats Get Here?” It’s by Karin McQuillan.

And what this piece is — and it’s very good. It is a good recitation of all the reasons Donald Trump is not to blame for the left derangement. This piece proves and demonstrates that the left has been deranged long before Trump showed up. And then she finds what she thinks is the real reason the left has gone literally thug crazy, and it’s Charlottesville with Trump saying they think that there were good people on both sides. They literally believed, because the media lied about it, that Trump says Nazis and white supremacists are good people.

He didn’t say it. He didn’t even come close to saying it. It’s akin to “hands up, don’t shoot.” That was a totally made up meme or narrative. But you’ll notice that Plugs does bring up Charlottesville constantly on the campaign trail. And now we may know why. Years and years of calling Republicans racist hit the mark with the distortion of the Charlottesville story.

Now, the author here believes that moderate Democrats, moderate Democrats think that you and I and Trump, of course, are white supremacists, racist Klan members, and nothing will convince them it isn’t true. That’s her belief. She arrives at that with some anecdotal, talking to neighbors of hers, talking to Democrats, and this is what they’re telling her. Here’s a series of pull quotes from the piece.

“There is nothing so terrible about President Trump that he can’t be treated fairly and rationally by the press and his opponents. Derangement is a choice. It is a strategy. It is true that President Trump often breaks norms of how politicians talk. He is rude. He does troll his opponents and purposely make them lose control. At the same time, his policies and his achievements are centrist; they would have been acceptable if a President Clinton proposed them.”

This is a point that needs to made over and over again. It applies not only to moderate Democrats, it applies particularly to the Never Trumper conservatives. Never Trump conservative intellectuals are watching pretty much everything they have believed in their whole lives be implemented, and they can’t stand it because it’s Trump doing it. So tell me how important has this stuff actually been to them?

Everything they’ve devoted their lives to is being implemented, and they hate it, and they’re miserable, and they’re deranged and angry. These are conservatives. We move over and talk about leftist Democrats, and it’s psychological.

“Trump is obnoxious to his political opponents, but he is also warm, charming, and funny. He is loving and protective towards ordinary Americans of all colors, genders and sexual preferences, new citizens and old. He has off-the-charts common sense and patriotism, and plain speaking. … The Democrat Party has veered far left very fast, without any pushback from within the party.”

This is another interesting thing to me that as the Democrats have moved radical thug left, there hasn’t been anybody in that party, maybe with the exception of Tulsi Gabbard, speak out against it. Nobody. “Their voters have turned, seemingly overnight, from normal American citizens to a deranged mob after Trump’s blood. This weird transformation is normalized by blaming it on Trump.”

In other words, deranged, delusional, insane behavior is said to be normal because Trump is causing it. The shock of his victory sent people over the edge. It’s totally understandable why they’re losing their minds, it’s because of Trump. “A moment’s reflection shows how superficial that derangement explanation is.”

“There is nothing in what Trump has done as president that explains the unconstitutional attacks against him. It is the reverse — the attempt to frame and entrap President Trump and his team as traitors with Russia, was begun by the Obama DOJ, FBI, CIA and White House before his inauguration. It was the Obama Administration’s actions that necessitated the all-out attempt to delegitimize President Trump before he could expose them. President Trump did nothing to provoke the Obama intelligence community framing him as a Russian traitor.”

No, in the real world, Trump did nothing. What he did was win. And he did say that he didn’t think he needed to meet with the intel guys every day because he’s smart and has a good memory. “Ordinary Democrats’ extreme hatred of Trump and his supporters is far from normal.

“Insisting we enforce immigration laws on the books is not the second coming of Hitler. Democrats genuinely believe it is. They talk themselves into nonsense, while Trump is gains popularity among Hispanic voters (who made up 30 percent of the audience at his rally in New Mexico).”

So this guy who is the reenactment of Adolf Hitler is making his victims his biggest fans? It doesn’t make any sense. “The fact that Presidents Clinton and Obama both urged securing our borders makes no difference. When Trump obeys American law, he is evil.”

You know what this means? Really she’s amazed that the hypocrisy of the Democrats does not stick to them. She says, “I asked a neighbor, a Democrat moderate, why he hated President Trump. His answer: Charlottesville. The idea that Trump praised neo-Nazis after Charlottesville is an outright lie about what the president said. It is easily rebutted by the videos and transcripts. … My neighbor ‘knows’ Republicans are racists and nothing will shake that belief.”

And yet they criticize Trump voters as claiming nothing will ever convince them to abandon him.


RUSH: Jamestown, Tennessee.  Robert, great to have you.  I’m glad you’re patient.  Hello.

CALLER:  Good afternoon, Mr. Limbaugh, and thank you for taking my call.  I think at this point from watching all these impeachment proceedings, we have to say to ourselves and be honest with ourselves that the Republican Party are the reason Mr. Trump’s in this position.  I mean, they basically surrendered the House of Representatives to the Democrats in order to get these proceedings underway and not take blame for it. 

You see them today where everybody’s saying how they’ve surrendered Virginia, and we both know that they pretty much surrender Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, and those 53 electoral votes by allowing illegals to enter the country illegally. So how we can sit and say they’re not complicit any longer… I mean, there aren’t any hearings any longer where any of us can see where they’re looking into any of the collusion and stuff that went on with the —

RUSH:  That’s right.  The Senate is not conducting one hearing about any of that.  Lindsey Graham promised he was gonna have some hearings; they have yet to happen.  So let me just make sure I understand.  You think that there were 55 Republicans that announced their retirements prior to the 18 midterms, and it was largely (they said) because they were committee chairmen. They were losing them, being term limited out of their chairmanships and they didn’t want to go back to being a backbencher so they just quit.  You think that some of this might have been the Republicans purposely losing the House, knowing the Democrats would impeach because that’s what they — the Republicans — wanted to happen?

RUSH:  Beyond any shadow of a doubt.  How else…? I mean, they can’t stand Trump.  What’s the better way to undermine the American people than take out guy that they voted for?  They’re not on our side, Mr. Limbaugh, at all. So this way they can claim, “Hey, we had no responsibility for that.” I mean, why would somebody give up a $200,000 job where they do nothing? They only report to work once a month!

RUSH:  Well, because the $200,000 job becomes a $2 million endowment when you retire.

CALLER:  I just see them surrendering states.  Once they… My concern is Texas, and they surrendered Texas, Mr. Limbaugh.  You know the answer to that one.  You’ve taught me this.

RUSH:  Well, I know.  Texas is turning. On the border counties, it’s turning purple.  I sounded the warning bells, and there are Republicans in Texas — there’s a bunch of ’em — that have announced they are retiring and not running again in 2020.  So you think this is purposeful?  You think this is Republicans who hate Trump?

CALLER:  There is no difference, sir!  You taught me how to read the grain in this green, and that ball is breaking to the left, man.

RUSH:  Well (laughing), it is breaking to the left.  That’s an interesting theory, Robert.  I don’t know how we would ever establish it, short of actual (sigh) admissions of such things by people. Look, we do know that Paul Ryan was not the only Republican member of Congress that didn’t like Trump.  We know that Paul Ryan was not the only one who regretted Trump winning.  We also know… Well, let’s remember.

Let me remind you: In 2016, the Republicans didn’t think Trump was gonna win.  They were all prepared to lose with honor and dignity.  They were prepared to be the minority.  They were prepared to continue to provide whatever opposition to Hillary — just enough to keep the campaign donations coming in — and everybody was turned upside down when Trump won.
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34