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The Democrats’ Modus Operandi
« on: October 06, 2019, 04:32:19 pm »
The Democrats’ Modus Operandi
The New York Sun, Oct 5, 2019, Editorial Board

On what else are the Democrats sitting? That’s a question at this stage of the impeachment of President Trump. Their premeditation in respect of Ukraine was illuminated in a brilliant column by Kimberly Strassel that runs in Friday’s Wall Street Journal under the headline “Schiff’s Shifty Timeline.” It turns out that the House Intelligence Committee chairman knew about the whistleblower before any whistle was blown — and he sat on it.

That is starting to look like the Democrats’ modus operandi. The idea would be to more effectively set up the President. We gained a classic glimpse of the m.o. during the confirmation hearing of Justice Kavanaugh. That’s when Senator Dianne Feinstein sat on a letter from Christine Blasey Ford alleging the future justice had behaved inappropriately at a party two generations earlier.

The letter reached the Coast Democrat on July 30, 2018. She sat on it, claiming she wanted to respect the accuser’s confidentiality. In late August, according to a timeline on Politico, Ms. Blasey Ford decided to stay quiet. In early September, all sorts of witnesses were heard by the Senate. Yet Ms. Feinstein sat on the letter through the entire hearing. Judge Kavanaugh was on his way to confirmation.

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