Author Topic: Andrew Yang becomes the ninth and likely last Democratic candidate to make September debate stage  (Read 287 times)

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Andrew Yang becomes the ninth and likely last Democratic candidate to make September debate stage

by Tiana Lowe

August 08, 2019 04:25 PM

Prior to the July 30 and 31 Democratic primary presidential debates, seven candidates — former Vice President Joe Biden, Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and failed Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke — had qualified for the more stringent September debates. Two days later, Sen. Amy Klobuchar obtained the donor count to qualify, and a week later, entrepreneur Andrew Yang became the ninth to qualify with a Monmouth University Poll of Iowa showing him with 2% support.

He'll likely be the last to qualify.

Former Obama HUD Secretary Julián Castro seemed just as likely as Yang to qualify prior to the July debates last week, with just two more polls to go and the opportunity of a debate to boost him across the finish line. The only other candidate near the 130,000 donor requirement who seemed at all capable of acquiring the polling required to qualify for the debates was Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.