Author Topic: A Constitutional Crisis, Part 4  (Read 211 times)

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A Constitutional Crisis, Part 4
« on: June 15, 2019, 04:22:18 pm »
NEWS WITH VIEWS by Roger Anghis June 9th, 2019

The last but very important point is our Fouders did not want a foreign entity to be able to hold the highest office in the land, the presidency.  That’s why they called for what is referred to as a Natural Born Citizen to be able to hold that office.  The Constitution does not define exactly what a Natural Born Citizen is.  So say it is someone born in America but that is not the proper definition.  When we have a situation like this we have to go back and find out what the Founders understood what a Natural born Citizen was.  To do that we have to go back to British law, which is the basis for most of our original laws.  The term “natural born” citizen has a long history in British common law.  In fact, a law passed in 1677 law says that “natural born” citizens include people born overseas to British citizens. This usage was undoubtedly known to John Jay, who had children born overseas while he was serving as a diplomat. 3  Notice that is says ‘born overseas to British citizens.’  What this means is both parents have to be citizens for the child to be a Natural Born Citizen.

This brings up major questions about Barack Obama, which I wrote about on numerous occasions, because his father, Barack Obama Sr., was never a citizen of America.  He was a British subject. That being the case under international law Obama, Jr. was a British citizen.  There were so many other things that clouded Obama too.  The first birth certificate posted on his website proved to be a fake.  The name of the hospital on the certificate was not the name of the hospital when Obama was supposedly born there.  The name was changed about four years later.  Also, there were ‘layers’ on that certificate and fonts that weren’t invented until the 1970’s.  Sheriff Joe Arpio from Arizona spent a year investigating this certificate and found it to be fake.  A years-long forensics investigation into the computer image of the long-form Hawaiian birth certificate image that Barack Obama released during a White House news conference during his first term and presented to the American people as an official government document concluded it is “fake.”

The probe also confirms that those who were subjected to the derogatory “birther” label from many media outlets and Democrats were right – at least regarding the document used to establish Obama’s eligibility to be president.[1]

That information was never presented to any court or to Congress so our Constitution could be upheld.  That was the Democrat Party but nobody in the Republican Party pushed the matter either.  There are great ramifications to this as everything he did, every law he signed, every Executive Order he issued has to be declared null and void.  Nothing was done.  Nothing!

Then we have the Republican Party and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.  Rubio’s simple.  He was born in America but neither of his parents were citizens at the time of his birth making him ineligible, but the Republicans said nothing.  Ted Cruz was born in Canada and his dad didn’t become a citizen until 2006.  He claims his mother was a citizen but she was found to be on the voter roles in Canada the year he was born, 1970.  Therein lies the problem.  In 1970 you had to be a citizen of Canada to vote in Canada.  Cruz claims his mother had dual citizenship but that is a problem as Canada did not allow dual citizenship untill 1977.  To compound this his mother never filed the  Consular Report of Birth Abroad form to claim Ted’s citizenship.  From this information he isn’t eligible to be a senator from Texas or any other state.
