Author Topic: On the Absurd Talking Point that Trump Is Sending Kids to a ‘Japanese Internment Camp’  (Read 193 times)

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 On the Absurd Talking Point that Trump Is Sending Kids to a ‘Japanese Internment Camp’

Posted By Alex Griswold On June 12, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

The Health and Human Services Department announced yesterday that it plans to use Fort Sill in Oklahoma as a shelter for unaccompanied migrant minors, a temporary measure prompted by a full-blown humanitarian crisis at the border. Most media outlets covered the news with the appropriate level of nuance, but a few, uh, didn't. The real story, as they saw it, was "TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO SEND MIGRANT CHILDREN TO FORMER JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMP!!!!"

The outlet that got the talking point rolling, as best as I can tell, was TIME Magazine, who headlined their piece "Trump Administration to Hold Migrant Children at Base That Served as WWII Japanese Internment Camp." The Daily Beast, The Hill, HuffPost, and Rolling Stone all ran with similar headlines, while CBS News made reference to Japanese internment in the body of the piece.

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