Author Topic: A genderbread world  (Read 223 times)

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A genderbread world
« on: March 26, 2019, 01:33:28 pm »
March 26, 2019
A genderbread world
By Simon de Hundehutte

Sometimes you come across something so strange and far-left that you can't seem to express your opposition without sounding over the top and nutty yourself.  I recently encountered just such a situation regarding... sex.

Have Americans gone collectively and completely mad?  I mean, who in their right mind can actually think that there are not just two sexes, male and female?  What kind of science-deniers -- let alone nature and God-deniers -- think that a boy isn't born a boy and a girl isn't born a girl?  That testosterone and estrogen, and that X/Y chromosomes, not whim, determine sex?  And, not only that, when someone says there are many sexes or ways to interpret gender and who are you to say that there aren't, why aren't people saying, "Are you nuts?!"

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