Author Topic: Nets Ignore Obama's DOJ Telling FBI Not to Charge Hillary With 'Gross Negligence'  (Read 303 times)

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Nets Ignore Obama's DOJ Telling FBI Not to Charge Hillary With 'Gross Negligence'
By Nicholas Fondacaro | March 13, 2019 9:45 PM EDT

Wow, 370 pages of closed-door testimony from an FBI lawyer who alleges the Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Secretary Hillary Clinton for “gross negligence?” The Democrat-controlled House shutting down the committee charged with investigating possible bias at the DOJ and FBI? Those things sound irresistibly tantalizing for reporters, but for the Big Three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC), it drew only yawns.

With Democrats shutting down a joint congressional task force set up to look into potential bias at the Department of Justice and in the FBI, Republican Congressman Doug Collins (GA) released the transcripts from their two days of interviews with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page on Tuesday. But none of the broadcast networks mentioned it on their Tuesday evening shows, nor their morning and evening shows on Wednesday.

In contrast, Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge delivered a report on the transcripts during Wednesday’s Special Report. “We’re learning more tonight about what the Obama Justice Department ordered federal lawyers to do and not to do concerning the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation,” anchor Bret Baier announced in the lead-in.


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