Author Topic: Caravan migrant who disdained donated Mexican food as fit 'for pigs' expects free U.S. health care  (Read 374 times)

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November 24, 2018
Caravan migrant who disdained donated Mexican food as fit 'for pigs' expects free U.S. health care
By Monica Showalter

The migrant caravan making its way to the U.S. in a bid to cut the line ahead of legal immigrants has revealed quite a few instances of chutzpah and ingratitude, in part because its participants aren't really the mere moms and kids fleeing violence that their organizers say they are.

The instance that stands out is the one of a rather well-fed-looking Honduran woman named Miriam Celaya holding up a plate of tortillas and beans donated by the Mexicans, screwing up her nose disdainfully at the plate that looks as though it actually had fingers dragged through it, and explaining to a Deutsche Welle interviewer that it was food "for pigs."

Get a load of the ingratitude:

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