Author Topic: Great Droughts, Great Fires, Great Cold  (Read 490 times)

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Great Droughts, Great Fires, Great Cold
« on: August 26, 2018, 03:50:10 pm »

Great Droughts, Great Fires, Great Cold
August 25, 2018 by Robert   

London, Moscow, Old Delhi, Istabul, Edo, just some of the great cities that suffered heat waves, exceptional droughts, giant conflagrations and then numbing cold – all during The Little Ice Age.

By tom0mason

CAGW advocates and the UN-IPCC do not want you looking at past times, do not want you to learn from documented history.

Of note is that in year 1666 when months of heatwave and drought affected most of Europe. At that time, London had lain under an exceptional drought since November 1665, and the wooden buildings were tinder-dry after the long hot summer of 1666. After such an unusually hot and dry spring, temperatures in the summer of 1666 rose 1.5°C above normal (estimated), and a precipitation shortfall of 6 inches turned London’s mostly wooden dwellings into large tinderboxes awaiting a spark. The same conditions prevailed in much of northwestern Europe, giving rise to fires in scores of German cities.