Author Topic: The Influx to America  (Read 451 times)

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Offline Timothy Dennis

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The Influx to America
« on: August 17, 2018, 04:05:35 pm »
The immigration of countless persons from the Western Hemisphere,(indeed it seems like half of the Western Hemisphere) will overtax our welfare system and jeopardize the safety net that it is. Most, if not practically all, will end up on our welfare rolls. Some immigrants are needed though; many work in the agricultural sector and building trades. If they work, and pay taxes, then allow some into the country to meet these job needs. But to have them sit on their rear-ends and collect a check every month and proliferating to get even more money, is just plain wrong.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 04:07:44 pm by Timothy Dennis »

Offline Applewood

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Re: The Influx to America
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2018, 11:13:06 am »
This is not an influx, Timothy, it's an invasion.  And the US is not fighting the invaders.  They are coming in ILLEGALLY -- a term no one likes to use for some reason.  Any other country -- if you try to enter illegally, you are thrown out, maybe even imprisoned.  This country is just opening the floodgates and letting in the illegals.  No vetting.  We have no idea whether these immigrants are terrorists, criminals or what. 

Same with so-called refugees from the Middle East.  We don't really know if these people are escaping war, persecution or whatever.  For all we know, they could be from ISIS or some other terror group.  And many of them want to impose their faith's Sharia law -- things like honor killings and beheadings of anyone they think are infidels.  Don't we have enough problems with our own homegrown violent offenders?  Why are we deliberately importing more trouble?

Generally, I don't have a problem with LEGAL immigration, except in cases where companies import workers from foreign countries.  Don't we have any American citizens who can do the job? 

The whole immigration system in this country is whacked.  I have said all immigration should be stopped until this country starts enforcing the immigration laws already on the books and, if necessary, create and enforce new ones.  I think if we do that, Trump's wall won't be necessary. 

But of course, the Democrats won't allow that.  These ILLEGALS and alleged refugees represent more Democrat voters, particularly if we hand out government benefits to them.  And I hate to say this, but there are Republicans who see advantages to letting the invasion continue also.  As long as neither party is interested in solving the problem, the problem will just go on.