Author Topic: Christian Baker Again Under Fire for Refusing Transgender Cake Despite Supreme Court Win  (Read 4365 times)

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Offline Fishrrman

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Boy, these discussions can sure get ridiculous.

The question:
What should Jack Phillips do?

Well, I see two options for him:

Fight back.
He's already got a countersuit going, but this is going to drag out and cost money.
A LOT of money.
How deep are his pockets?
And what if the Colorado court (in which he's suing) rules against him?    Again?
Is he willing to climb all the way back to the U.S. Supreme Court -- assuming they'll grant him certiorari again?

Probable result:
I think his chances of winning (again) are very good, but it will be another long fight and cost a ton of cash. Enough to bankrupt him.

The response from some is going to be "why should he run? Why not fight for his rights?"
Fair enough.
But -- in the dividing, formerly "United" States of America, we are seeing two kinds of states emerge from the ongoing kulturkampf:
The "traditional freedom" states, where Constitutional rights (as such "rights" were understood by the generation of the founders) remain protected, as distinguished from...
... The "new slavery" states, where the rights of traditional-minded Americans are disrespected along with the culture from which such rights developed.

Of such new slavery states, Colorado is fast-becoming one of them.

Before I go further, let me ask:
Why did religious groups like the Puritans come to the New World, to begin with?
As I was taught (long ago), it was to escape religious persecution and to find a place where they could exercise their beliefs freely.
Would you say that -they- should have "stayed and fought?" Would you say that they were wrong for searching for "a better place"?

I think the Puritans made the right decision.

And this is how I would advise Jack Phillips.
Pack up his stuff while he's still got stuff left to pack.
Head for Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho -- almost ANY of them will be a better choice then staying in a "Christian-hostile" state as Colorado is becoming.
Open up shop in one of those other places.
He has a reputation that will precede him, and I don't see any problems with re-establishing a decent business in a traditional-freedom state where he won't be persecuted for his personal beliefs.

It was for reasons exactly like Mr. Phillips that throngs of Euro-Christians came to America, be the persecution religious, ethnic, or otherwise.

There once was a time when ALL of America still nourished such beliefs.
That time IS NO MORE. It's over, and it ain't comin' back.
Even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles could see this.

In some ways, Mr. Phillips' story is the story of traditional-minded Euro-Americans in other states, as well. As America "divides", it's time for those who still cherish freedom to breathe deeply, take a good look around, and ask themselves "do I really belong where I am?"

Jack Phillips don't belong in Colorado no mo'.
Not because of who he is.
But because of what Colorado is becoming.

It's time for him to get out, and "find a better land".

He ain't the only one.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 01:47:28 am by Fishrrman »