Author Topic: The Truth About Tooth Whitening: A Dentist Answers Your Questions  (Read 321 times)

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 The Truth About Tooth Whitening: A Dentist Answers Your Questions


Jeanne Faulkner

Coffee, wine, and age can do a number on your pearly whites, leaving them dingy, yellow, and stained. Advertisers claim that teeth whitening, which the American Dental Association (ADA) describes as any process that makes teeth appear whiter, will improve the look of your teeth and smile.

How do tooth whiteners do this? Many contain peroxide-based bleaching products that change the natural tooth color—peroxide helps remove deep and surface stains. Non-bleaching tooth whiteners remove surface stains deposited on the tooth. But are tooth whiteners safe, and which method is best? Jeffrey Wolfe, DDS, dentist at Kaiser Permanente in Portland, OR, has the answers: