Author Topic: Democrat politicians show their true sentiments  (Read 408 times)

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Democrat politicians show their true sentiments
« on: February 10, 2018, 10:17:00 pm »
Here is a list of lines from the State of the Union speech on January 30, 2018
that drew enthusiastic applause from everyone, except the Democrats.
The Republicans and the spectators all applauded enthusiastically.
The Democrats all stayed seated, looking glum, indicating disapproval of each of the following:

- The state of our union is strong because our people are strong.

- Since the election, we have created 2.4 million new jobs, including 200,000 new jobs in manufacturing alone.  After years of wage stagnation, we are finally seeing rising wages.

- Unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low.

- African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded.

- Hispanic-American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history.

- The stock market has smashed one record after another, gaining $8 trillion and more in value. 401(k), retirement pension and college savings accounts have gone through the roof.

- Millions of Americans will have more take-home pay.

- Three million workers have already gotten tax cut bonuses.

- Apple has just announced it plans to invest a total of $350 billion in America.

- ExxonMobil announced a $50 billion investment.

- Chrysler is moving a major plant from Mexico to Michigan.

- Toyota and Mazda are opening up a plant in Alabama.

- Last year the FDA approved more new and generic drugs and medical devices than ever before in our country’s history.

- We have sent thousands and thousands and thousands of MS-13 horrible people out of this country.

- The coalition to defeat ISIS has liberated very close to 100 percent of the territory just recently held by these killers.

- Freedom stands tall over one more monument: this one. This Capitol. This living monument. This is the monument to the American people.

Even worse, the Democrats actually BOOED the parents of
two teenage girls who had been murdered by illegal immigrants! 
(Or at the very least, groaned very loudly.)

What kind of people HATE good news? 
Every one of the above is a BENEFIT to the American people! 
Anyone who hates it when you benefit
will certainly work to make sure you don't benefit further!
That is, IF you leave them in Congress!
The Democrats demonstrated very clearly how they feel about you!
You need to remember this on election day!
Not just to let them know how you feel about them!
But to stop them from doing further actual damage to you!

You can see it for yourself!  Video of
the entire State Of The Union speech on January 30, 2018,
can be found online.
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao