Author Topic: MACRON CRACKS DOWN ON IMMIGRATION  (Read 416 times)

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Offline endicom

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« on: December 27, 2017, 01:08:41 am »
Power Line
John Hinderaker
Dec. 26, 2017

In Europe, hostility to immigration is by definition the province of the “far right.” But the reality is that most Europeans don’t want their countries overrun by people from other countries and cultures, imposing enormous social and economic costs. Thus French President Emmanuel Macron, no doubt a liberal by American standards, is starting to sound like Trump on immigration:

Macron’s government is now tightening the screws: ramping up expulsions, raising pressure on economic migrants and allowing divisive ID checks in emergency shelters.

Critics contend that Macron’s increasingly tough policy on migrants — though wrapped in a cloak of goodwill — contradicts his image as a humanist who defeated an anti-immigrant populist for the presidency, and has crossed a line passed by no other president in the land that prides itself as the cradle of human rights.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2017, 01:16:30 am by endicom »