Author Topic: The Coming Storm (49 total images, hold on!) imgur dot com {'it is the draining of the swamp, a gian  (Read 1503 times)

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Offline Quix

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  • Times R a changin' Walk with God!

If you are really ready to understand all the crap that is going on out there and on that tv of yours.. then I can help. It's not easy.. there is a lot to learn, but if you do, I promise it will make more sense than anything you were told by the media.

By the time you read this whole post, you will be right is right.. you will feel much better.

Still with me? OK.. let's go...

. . .

Why are the Saudis important?

> Because this is where the swamp has its deepest depths/roots/funding and where the storm starts. SA has the most $$ which have been flowing to corrupt American politicians via foundations, and until we cut those strings we are only digging in the sand. Trump has made a deal with a younger Prince who wants reform. He has secretly planned a coup and  is working with him to perform a mass round-up of criminals feeding Hillary/Obama/Bushes,,etc...

. . .

I would love for the above to be true. Maybe it is.

However, imho, even IF it is true, somehow, the oligarchy will pull out a full court press to end up very skillfully twisting it toward their overt world tyrannical government conquest goals  and strategies.

Nevertheless, perhaps God will enable a major house-cleaning to at least diminish the numbers of the corrupt, demonized evil doers at the top. That would be welcome and might give some breathing space to continue to prepare and do good while we can.

I think that much of the whole file and list of images are well worth reading/viewing and pondering.

However, it IS AN EXTENSIVE FILE WITH  TONS OF CONTENT. You may well need to do a quick scroll/scan and select those portions that are most meaningful to you--to read first--or at all.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 04:28:52 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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