Eclipse Glasses Donation Program your eclipse glasses a second chance! Astronomers Without Borders and Explore Scientific are collecting glasses to be sent to schools in South America and Asia when eclipses cross those continents in 2019.
There are
Glasses Collection Centers across the US. See if there is one near you on the interactive map! If you have glasses you want to send in, please send them to Explore Scientific address below and NOT to AWB's address. Explore Scientific, our corporate partner in this program, is making this possible by receiving, processing, and storing them.
[Please go to this page for links...I haven't put the links in the FAQ below: ]Where to send your glassesReady to send your glasses in? Send them to our corporate partner in this program, Explore Scientific:
AWB Eclipse Glasses Donation Program
Explore Scientific
1010 S. 48th Street
Springdale, AR 72762
FAQWhere do I send my glasses?We are recruiting and organizing collection centers and will have a list of them published soon. Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook for updates. If you want to send the glasses in right away send them Explore Scientific at the address below.
How do I become a Glasses Collection Center?1. Start collecting glasses! It's important to let people know you're collecting them before they end up in the trash.
2. Register using the form below if you want to be listed on our website.
3. Use the AWB name and logo if you like. You're our partner!
I'm a Glasses Collection Center and I have glasses to send in. Now what?Send them to our corporate partner, Explore Scientific, at the address below.
How long does this campaign last?There is no deadline set yet. We expect to be receiving glasses at least until the end of September. If you're registered as an AWB Collection Partner we'll let you know if a deadline is set.
Will you make sure that these are all ISO certified and otherwise safe to use?Yes! We will examine each pair to make sure they aren't damaged, and to verify that they are certified safe and not counterfeit. We won't send on any that we can't be sure are safe to use.
Where will you send my glasses?We'll send them to schools and other institutions in countries where they're needed but aren't available. The next two solar eclipses across populated areas are in 2019 - a total solar eclipse in southern South America and an annular eclipse (where the Moon doesn't quite cover the whole Sun) in southeastern Asia. But a partial eclipse will be seen throughout most of South America and southern Asia so the glasses are needed by millions. If there are glasses left we'll send them to more schools in countries with eclipses beyond 2019.
There's a warning on my glasses that they're not safe to use after one year / two years / three years:The filter material is required to not degrade according to the latest ISO standard. The paper can be damaged by inappropriate storage, which may be the concern some manufacturers have. Each pair to make sure they aren't damaged and to verify that they are certified safe, and they will be stored in an appropriate environment. We won't send out any glasses that we can't be sure are safe to use.
How should I ship my glasses?If you're sending just a few, fold them up and put them in an envelope. If you have more than a few, unfold them, stack them together in bundles up to 50, and bind them with with rubber bands, twister seals, or something else if you can.
We're a news organization. How can we talk to or interview someone in your organization?Please email us and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. This program is keeping our small staff really busy!
Your organization has great programs! How else can I help?We're a small non-profit that organizes big programs. Like most small non-profit organizations, we are chronically underfunded. If you'd like to help, please donate or become a supporting member.