Author Topic: Bozell Blasts Chuck Todd for Continuing to Give Antifa Violence a Platform  (Read 240 times)

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Bozell Blasts Chuck Todd for Continuing to Give Antifa Violence a Platform

Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued a harsh statement Monday in response to NBC’s Chuck Todd again giving Mark Bray, a prominent voice in the radical Antifa movement, a platform to promote his violent leftist agenda on Sunday’s "Meet the Press." [1]

Bozell rebuked Todd for, once again, "aiding and abetting" violent extremists:
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Offline goatprairie

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Watching CNN this morning. They had four "experts" talking about what's inside Trump's heart re: the Charlottesville incident.  Most concluded that he's probably a filthy racist.  As usual they couldn't find any fault with the antifa thugs who attacked the stupid Nazis and WNs at the Charlottesville rally.  According to the panel, the only people protesting the WNs were peaceful, loving people.
This is why I despise CNN.