Author Topic: Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway: ‘Most of Washington’ Hated Comey  (Read 304 times)

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Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway: ‘Most of Washington’ Hated Comey
News Commentary
By Thomas | Featured Commentator | June 6, 2017 11:14AM

Kellyanne Conway has been an effective defender of President Donald J. Trump during biased media interviews. She’s reportedly stopped a fight at Trump’s Inaugural ball confronted a heckler at the Washington, D.C. airport. She’s not to be messed with.

Now, she’s taken direct aim on former FBI Director James Comey, who will now testify before Congress, as Trump has decided not to use executive privilege to block his testimony.

As Conway explained during an interview on NBC:

    “I would point out two things: most of Washington, of course many of the Democrats, detested this man until Donald Trump fired him, which Jim Comey said in his own goodbye letter was the right of the president to do.”

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