Author Topic: Dallas Rep Passes Bill to Make All Texas Cities Act Like Dallas on Police Shootings  (Read 1173 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Dallas Observer by Stephen Young 5/15/2017

Compared to the test of Texas, the Dallas Police Department is a paragon of transparency when it comes to police shootings. Whenever a DPD officer fires his or her weapon, data from the shooting, including a description of the incident, is readily available on the department's website. As the incident moves through the legal system, information about any potential criminal charges or indictments is added, making it easy for the public to follow, whether they agree with the outcomes or not.

Other departments across the state aren't as free with their data, but a new bill from Dallas state Representative Eric Johnson, passed Friday by the Texas House of Representatives, would fine departments that fail to make data from shootings promptly available to the Texas Attorney General's Office.

“Texas has the opportunity to lead the nation in transparency and accountability in policing," Johnson said Friday. "We made great strides by passing a law last session to require officer-involved shootings and peace officer injuries and deaths to be reported, but need to make sure our data is complete."
