Author Topic: What the media won’t tell you about illegal immigration and criminal activity  (Read 251 times)

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    What the media won’t tell you about illegal immigration and criminal activity

    March 10, 2017

    Normally, the ACLU promotes transparency in government and the ability of the public to access public records. But apparently that changes when transparency might reveal damaging information that hurts their opposition to President Trump’s common-sense, revised executive order temporarily suspending entry from six terrorist safe havens in the Middle East and Africa.

    How else can one explain the ACLU’s criticism of a little-noticed provision in the executive order that requires the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security to, among other things, report on the “number and types of acts of gender-based violence against women” in the U.S., like the “honor” killings committed by foreign nationals? That provision will also require public reporting on the number of foreign nationals charged/convicted of “terrorism-related offenses” or removed from the country for terrorism-related activities.