Author Topic: Travel-ban judge makes decision based on whopping lie. 1 mainstream-media outlet exposes serious gaffe  (Read 318 times)

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Travel-ban judge makes decision based on whopping lie
1 mainstream-media outlet exposes serious gaffe
Published: 12 hours ago. Updated: 02/06/2017 at 10:10 PM

The judge who granted an injunction against President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries based his decision on a blatantly inaccurate premise.

Judge James Robart, a federal district judge in Seattle, stated that no one from the seven countries on Trump’s list – Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Libya – has been arrested on terrorism charges since the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on America.

His comment, made in open court on Friday, went unchallenged in the establishment media all weekend and into Monday, while WND reported it was inaccurate and gave a partial list of terror incidents that have been plotted or carried out by Somali and Iraqi immigrants since 9/11.