Author Topic: Foreign Payments to Trump Firms Violate Constitution, Suit Will Claim  (Read 560 times)

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SOURCE: New York Times



WASHINGTON — A team of prominent constitutional scholars, Supreme Court litigators and former White House ethics lawyers intends to file a lawsuit Monday morning alleging that President Trump is violating the Constitution by allowing his hotels and other business operations to accept payments from foreign governments.

The lawsuit is among a barrage of legal actions against the Trump administration that have been initiated or are being planned by major liberal advocacy organizations. Such suits are among the few outlets they have to challenge the administration now that Republicans are in control of the government.

In the new case, the lawyers argue that a provision in the Constitution known as the Emoluments Clause bans payments from foreign powers like the ones to Mr. Trump’s companies. They cite fears among the framers of the Constitution that United States officials could be corrupted by gifts or payments.

The suit, which will not seek any monetary damages, will ask a federal court in New York to order Mr. Trump to stop taking payments from foreign government entities. Such payments, it says, include those from patrons at Trump hotels and golf courses; loans for his office buildings from certain banks controlled by foreign governments; and leases with tenants like the Abu Dhabi tourism office, a government enterprise.

“The framers of the Constitution were students of history,” said Deepak Gupta, one of the lawyers behind the suit. “And they understood that one way a republic could fail is if foreign powers could corrupt our elected leaders.”

The president’s son Eric Trump, who is an executive vice president of the Trump Organization, said the company had taken more steps than required by law to avoid legal exposure, such as agreeing to donate any profits collected at Trump-owned hotels that come from foreign government guests to the United States Treasury.

“This is purely harassment for political gain, and, frankly, I find it very, very sad,” he said in an interview on Sunday.

The president’s lawyers have argued that the constitutional provision does not apply to fair-market payments, such as a standard hotel room bill, and is intended only to prevent federal officials from accepting a special consideration or gift from a foreign power.

“No one would have thought when the Constitution was written that paying your hotel bill was an emolument,” one of the lawyers, Sheri A. Dillon, a partner at Morgan Lewis, said at a news conference this month.

The legal team filing the lawsuit includes Laurence H. Tribe, a Harvard constitutional scholar; Norman L. Eisen, an Obama administration ethics lawyer; and Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the law school at the University of California, Irvine. Among the others are Richard W. Painter, an ethics counsel in the administration of George W. Bush; Mr. Gupta, a Supreme Court litigator who has three cases pending before the court; and Zephyr Teachout, a Fordham University law professor and former congressional candidate who has been studying and writing about the Emoluments Clause for nearly a decade.


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Re: Foreign Payments to Trump Firms Violate Constitution, Suit Will Claim
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 08:32:58 am »
This is a fascinating case, one I expect could dominate the headlines in the coming months.

On one hand they have an excellent case.  Trump's various businesses receive payments every day from foreign entities, exactly what the Framers were concerned about.  Even a one night stay in a Trump hotel could be considered a payment.  And those who pay Trump monthly rent would without a doubt be considered a payments.

At the root of all this lies the question, "can you be sure some of these payments don't influence Trump decisions in one way or another?"  And the answer is "no" we can't be sure.  So they surely have an excellent case in my opinion.


On the other hand it will further illustrate the height of hypocrisy of the liberal media.  As the media gloms onto this lawsuit more and more you'll surely hear counter arguments from talking heads on the Right.  They will cite the Clinton Foundation as their primary evidence.  And they will also note the liberal media was strangely silent the past 12 months about her influence peddling as Secretary of State.  Plus, on the rare occasions when they were backed into the corner and forced to actually comment on the issue they masterly performed back flips in their attempts to rationalize Hillary Clinton's actions.  It was disgusting to the point of being comical.

Excellent points without a doubt, Hillary Clinton was guilty as hell.  But she's not on trial this very minute, Trump is, and the liberal media will take this ball and run with it.  They don't have much else to grab onto these days.

But at the end of the day these payments to Trump from foreign entities are exactly what the Framers were concerned about.  I predict things will get very ugly on this front.