Author Topic: Georgetown University Puts Kibosh On Students Hosting Inauguration Protesters On Campus  (Read 573 times)

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Georgetown University Puts Kibosh On Students Hosting Inauguration Protesters On Campus
Photo of Kerry Picket
Kerry Picket
10:52 AM 01/17/2017
Georgetown University (Youtube/ The Campus Quad - Screen Shot)   Georgetown University (Youtube/ The Campus Quad - Screen Shot)

Georgetown University put its foot down Monday and announced to its student body that hosting inauguration protesters on campus would be prohibited. According to Campus Reform, the university sent the campus-wide email to students after the College Democrats publicized plans on a Facebook post to allow protesters stay in on-campus housing.

“Given our location in DC, we are calling all College Democrats to open up their dorm rooms or apartments to help house other college students for the weekend, the Facebook post states. “Floor or couch space is much needed to host as many students as possible at Georgetown.”

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