Author Topic: School fires web co-ordinator for correcting a student’s bad grammar on Twitter  (Read 440 times)

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New York Post
THE sun will come out tomorrow — but the social-media manager at an American school won’t be tweeting about it.
Katie Nash says she has been officially terminated over her smart-alec chastising of a student who misspelled the word tomorrow as “tammarow” on Twitter.
Nash, 33, said she understands the Frederick County Public School district’s decision to fire her from her $44,066 Web-experience co-ordinator job.
“I don’t want to be a distraction to the school system and the goals they have for overarching achievement,” she said in an interview with the Frederick News-Post.
The trouble began January 5, when a student wrote to the Twitter account, @FCPSMaryland, asking schools to close “tammarow.”
Nash responded: “But then how would you learn how to spell ‘tomorrow’? :)”
Her response garnered more than 1000 retweets and 1000 likes and she became the subject of a hashtag, #KatiefromFCPS.