Author Topic: Environmentalist Hyperventilates When Tucker Asks Simple Question [VIDEO]  (Read 345 times)

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Environmentalist Hyperventilates When Tucker Asks Simple Question [VIDEO]
Photo of Andrew Follett
Andrew Follett
Energy and Science Reporter
1:00 PM 12/08/2016
Tucker Carlson interviews environmentalists Erin Schrode (Youtube/Screenshot)   Tucker Carlson interviews environmentalists Erin Schrode (Youtube/Screenshot)

Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked a liberal environmental activist to give one concrete reason why she opposed President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to head the EPA. She couldn’t, and instead went on an unhinged rant.

Carlson’s guest was Erin Schrode, a former Democratic California House candidate, who compared Trump to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, as both were dubbed TIME’s “Man of The Year.”

Their conversation quickly shifted to Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general who is Trump’s pick to lead the EPA.

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