Author Topic: Clinton Foundation Taxes Reveal Just How Little They Give To Charity, But It Gets WORSE  (Read 700 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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Hillary did her best to rake Trump over the coals over his charities, but she is the one Americans should have been asking questions about all along.

Not only is the amount of money actually sent out minuscule, the Clinton Foundation has been lying about the care it supposedly provides to the poor in the form of prescription medicine, via

While Hillary and company claim to provide much needed drugs to third-world countries, that duty is actually handled by a separate charity, the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

But, as always, Hillary likes to twist the facts just to draw attention away from the real issues. In this case, she’s hoping you won’t notice the corrupt foundation her daughter runs.

In its IRS filings, the Clinton Foundation paid out over $91 million, but only roughly $5 million of that actually went to charitable grants! At that point, you really shouldn’t be able to call yourself a charity anymore!

Where did this money go you ask?

Well, almost $35 million went out to salaries, with Chelsea reportedly earning close to $1 million. Compare that to the salary of the CEO of the Salvation Army, who makes less than $200,000!

The rest of the money was tagged for various expenses. And yes, the math means about $50 million went out the door as “other” costs.
Hmmm, I wonder what other could be? Perhaps Chelsea’s wedding… maybe her husband’s business… or perhaps some new houses or family vacations. I don’t think we can put anything past the Clintons when it comes to stealing money!

Of course, we should not forget the whole pay-to-play scandal that is associated with the foundation. Roughly half of the meetings held while Hillary was Secretary of State were with alleged donors to the foundation. Not exactly discreet.

Hopefully the IRS investigation into the foundation works out a little better for We the People than the FBI investigation did.