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Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« on: October 11, 2016, 11:16:00 am »
Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial

As conservative religious voters grapple with how to respond to an audio recording of Donald Trump lewdly boasting about groping women, Christianity Today, the flagship magazine of American evangelicalism, released on Monday a blistering critique of the GOP presidential nominee.

The editorial, written by executive editor Andy Crouch, was accompanied by a subtitle that minced no words: “Evangelicals, of all people, should not be silent about Donald Trump’s blatant immorality.”

Crouch nonetheless writes: “Just because we are neutral, however, does not mean we are indifferent. We are especially not indifferent when the Gospel is at stake. The Gospel is of infinitely greater importance than any campaign.”
As for Trump, Crouch says, “There is hardly any public person in America today who has more exemplified the ‘earthly nature’ … that Paul urges the Colossians to shed: ‘sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry’ (3:5). This is an incredibly apt summary of Trump’s life to date.”

“That Trump has been, his whole adult life, an idolater of this sort, and a singularly unrepentant one,” he continues, “should have been clear to everyone.”
He is particularly dismissive of the argument put forward by many high-profile conservatives, including Graham’s son, Franklin, that because the Bible includes examples of God using flawed men to accomplish His will, evangelicals shouldn’t be concerned about Trump’s personal morality.
And he calls out the long-standing conservative evangelical reasoning behind backing Republican candidates simply out of concern over the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court.

“There is a point at which strategy becomes its own form of idolatry — an attempt to manipulate the levers of history in favor of the causes we support,” writes Crouch. “Strategy becomes idolatry, for ancient Israel and for us today, when we make alliances with those who seem to offer strength — the chariots of Egypt, the vassal kings of Rome — at the expense of our dependence on God who judges all nations, and in defiance of God’s manifest concern for the stranger, the widow, the orphan, and the oppressed.”
“He has given no evidence of humility or dependence on others, let alone on God his Maker and Judge. He wantonly celebrates strongmen and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn.”

“He is,” Crouch concludes, “the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.”

Offline montanajoe

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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 11:21:29 am »
 "Andy Crouch"  Please tell me his name is not pronounced the way it is spelled :silly:

I agree with the article but geez the jokes keep writing themselves...

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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 01:28:39 pm »
“He is,” Crouch concludes, “the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.”

I agree. But a few minutes of simple Bible searching would find you numerous scriptures that identify the Clintons and their actions as evil.

So there ya have it. Vote for a fool. Or an evil person.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 01:36:30 pm »
“He is,” Crouch concludes, “the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.”

I agree. But a few minutes of simple Bible searching would find you numerous scriptures that identify the Clintons and their actions as evil.

So there ya have it. Vote for a fool. Or an evil person.

Really, anyone considering or publicly calling themselves a Christian should have enough on board knowledge to understand that both candidates are pretty much the opposite of Christian because it's all there plan as day for all to see in their words and their actions. "You will know them by their fruits" and those fruits are pretty low hanging.

The problem most Christians (and yes, I consider myself Christian), is that they will 'forgive' themselves right into supporting evil. If God wants to use flawed people, I'm sure he has and would again. What would be completely contradictory to his Bible is having humanity flock to one evil to prevent another. Nowhere in any Bible I ever read did God wish anyone to become the thing they oppose.

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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2016, 01:39:03 pm »
"Andy Crouch"  Please tell me his name is not pronounced the way it is spelled :silly:

I agree with the article but geez the jokes keep writing themselves...

CROUCH rimes with OUCH, which if I was a Trump supporter would be saying if I read the story.
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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 01:44:14 pm »
“He is,” Crouch concludes, “the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.”

I agree. But a few minutes of simple Bible searching would find you numerous scriptures that identify the Clintons and their actions as evil.

So there ya have it. Vote for a fool. Or an evil person.

...or drop out.

Some set of choices.

Offline ConstitutionRose

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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2016, 02:00:44 pm »
“He is,” Crouch concludes, “the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.”

I agree. But a few minutes of simple Bible searching would find you numerous scriptures that identify the Clintons and their actions as evil.

So there ya have it. Vote for a fool. Or an evil person.

Since the two are so often linked in the scriptures...fools and seems splitting hairs.  Besides you have to be blind to believe Trump is something less than an evildoer.  I think the author was choosing his words carefully.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 02:01:30 pm by ConstitutionRose »
"Old man can't is dead.  I helped bury him."  Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas quoting his grandfather.


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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2016, 02:10:33 pm »
Not one mention by Crouch of a single adultery account of Bill Clinton (NOT EVEN ONE) tells me he is a 'Hillary christian' convinced he is personally saving souls from hell by trumpeting from the rooftops the idolatry of Donald Trump.  I have met 'christians' like him - and they are voting for Hillary.

This is the same web site that endorses the Harry Potter cult - WHICH IS IDOLATRY.

Editorial: Why We Like Harry Potter
The series is a 'Book of Virtues' with a preadolescent funny bone.
A Christianity Today Editorial


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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2016, 02:14:49 pm »
“He is,” Crouch concludes, “the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.”

I agree. But a few minutes of simple Bible searching would find you numerous scriptures that identify the Clintons and their actions as evil.

So there ya have it. Vote for a fool. Or an evil person.

False choice.  You don't have to vote for either one.  Vote your conscience, even if that means not voting for president at all.

And Trump is definitely evil.  He wallows in, revels in, the cardinal sins of lust, gluttony, greed, and pride.  He boasts about sexually assaulting women and dismisses it as just so much "locker room banter."

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2016, 02:15:32 pm »
the Harry Potter cult

That pretty much solidifies it for me. You really do live in a different reality than normal people. If you can't tell the difference between a fandom for a fictional work and a cult, it's little wonder you ended up in the cult of Trump.


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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2016, 02:33:54 pm »
Not one mention by Crouch of a single adultery account of Bill Clinton (NOT EVEN ONE) tells me he is a 'Hillary christian' convinced he is personally saving souls from hell by trumpeting from the rooftops the idolatry of Donald Trump.  I have met 'christians' like him - and they are voting for Hillary.

This is the same web site that endorses the Harry Potter cult - WHICH IS IDOLATRY.

Editorial: Why We Like Harry Potter
The series is a 'Book of Virtues' with a preadolescent funny bone.
A Christianity Today Editorial

"But Mommie-e-e-e, he did it too!"  How childish.  That excuse didn't work in kindergarten, so there is no Earthly (or Heavenly) reason why it should work for a lecherous 70 y.o. man.

It goes without saying that Clinton is unfit.  However, Trump is also unfit.  Therefore, the only principled choice is to get rid of Trump while we still can or, failing that, vote third party or not at all for president.  Jesus never promised you, or anyone else, a rose garden, or a bowl of cherries, and He expects us to do the right thing, no matter the personal cost.  Recanting one's beliefs publicly, while remaining faithful inside your own head, is certainly the lesser evil to martyrdom, on a personal level, and also on a community level if an entire community is called upon to recant or die, but choosing the lesser of two evils is not an option.  If you recant your beliefs - choose the lesser of two evils - you are still denying Christ.  Supporting Trump is definitely a recantation of some core fundamental principles of Christianity, and suffering under a Clinton regime is certainly more survivable than martyrdom, so if a Christian is not supposed to choose recantation over martyrdom, a Christian is certainly not supposed to choose an evil man who revels in his own sins over an evil woman like Clinton.  Thus, doing the right thing may very well entail having to suffer under a Clinton regime, but that is the price of nominating somebody like Trump in the first place.  Had you not done that - yes, you - then we wouldn't have been put to this suffering in the first place.  Suffering under Clinton is the wages of sinning by supporting Trump, and all of us, including those of us who knew better, must pay the price that you - yes, you - forced on us.


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Re: Evangelical magazine publishes scathing anti-Trump editorial
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2016, 02:35:33 pm »
That pretty much solidifies it for me. You really do live in a different reality than normal people. If you can't tell the difference between a fandom for a fictional work and a cult, it's little wonder you ended up in the cult of Trump.

Bingo!  Give @Norm Lenhart a ceegar!