Author Topic: When bureaucrats manage 'refugees,' it's 'grotesque'  (Read 422 times)

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When bureaucrats manage 'refugees,' it's 'grotesque'
« on: October 09, 2016, 12:36:32 pm »
When bureaucrats manage 'refugees,' it's 'grotesque'
Congressional plan written to 'right this ship and empower the people'
Published: 15 hours ago

Plenty of commentators have said Mike Pence won his vice presidential debate with Tim Kaine Tuesday night, but the Indiana governor sustained a rebuke the previous day when a federal appeals court upheld a preliminary injunction blocking Indiana’s effort to prevent the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the state.

Judge Richard Posner, writing the unanimous opinion on behalf of a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, declared the state of Indiana “provides no evidence that Syrian terrorists are posing as refugees or that Syrian refugees have ever committed acts of terrorism in the United States.”

However, Pence initially suspended the resettlement of Syrians not because of anything Syrian refugees had done in the United States, but because of the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. Some of the Paris attackers had entered France among the flow of migrants and refugees from Syria.