Author Topic: FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe  (Read 565 times)

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FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe
« on: August 22, 2016, 08:09:48 pm »
FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe

The FBI’s year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered 14,900 emails and documents from her time as secretary of state that had not been disclosed by her attorneys, and a federal judge on Monday pressed the State Department to begin releasing emails sooner than mid-October as it planned.

Justice Department lawyers said last week that the State Department would review and turn over Clinton’s work-related emails to a conservative legal group. The records are among “tens of thousands” of documents found by the FBI in its probe and turned over to the State Department, Justice Department attorney Lisa Ann Olson said Monday in court.

The 14,900 Clinton documents are nearly 50 percent more than the roughly 30,000 emails that Clinton’s lawyers deemed work-related and returned to the department in December 2014.

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Offline Neverdul

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Re: FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 08:12:39 pm »
Clinton faces late summer scandal wave

Controversies surround the Clinton Foundation and her email server will likely dog Clinton all the way through the election — and potentially beyond.

The scandals swirling around Hillary Clinton kicked up a notch on Monday, with the release of more emails showing the sway Clinton Foundation donors held at the State Department and an order by a federal judge that could result in a dump of thousands more emails before the election.

Clinton managed to coast through the conventions and the resulting weeks, gaining momentum in the polls as Donald Trump suffered through numerous self-inflicted controversies.

But on Monday, Clinton was delivered a rude reminder that her long-running scandals will likely persist all the way to November — and potentially beyond.

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