Author Topic: Petition: Send Sally Kohn To A Country That Practices Sharia Law WITHOUT Bodyguards  (Read 336 times)

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Petition: Send Sally Kohn To A Country That Practices Sharia Law WITHOUT Bodyguards
Photo of Steve Guest
Steve Guest
Media Reporter
1:51 PM 08/20/2016

A petition to send left-wing talking head and CNN political commentator Sally Kohn to a country which practices Sharia law for a week without bodyguards has begun to pick up steam.
Sally Kohn attends The Women   Sally Kohn attends The Women's Media Center 2015 Women's Media Awards (Getty Images)

Earlier this week, Kohn faced strong backlash after she tweeted, β€œHey @realDonaldTrump, many *progressive Muslims* β€” the ones we should support in ideological fight against extremism β€” believe in Sharia!!” (RELATED: Sally Kohn Got Internet Murdered For Posting This Tweet, Her Stupidest To Date)

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