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Offline Doug Loss

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Trumping Hillary
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:28:28 pm »
(Just an excerpt; go to the website for it all.)

Trumping Hillary

by Tom Kratman

“As First Lady Hillary had just one job and I had to outsource that.”
~ Former President Bill Clinton, Attributed1

You know, I’m not quite ready to march in the streets shouting, “Viva Trump! Viva la Junta! Viva! Viva! Viva!” On the other hand, for many a year now I’ve wanted to dance along the yellow brick road with the munchkins while singing, “Ding dong; the wicked witch is dead.”

So I am against a woman being president, right? No, not really. I am against this woman being president. On the other hand, if we could get Margaret Thatcher’s body from the Brits, bring it to Louisiana, assemble as many Voodoo practitioners as we can and import some more from Haiti, resurrect Meg’s corpse and grant her natural citizenship I would happily vote for her. (What’s that? Born, reborn; what’s the difference? And besides, Democrats don’t object to the dead voting – provided, of course, that they vote Democrat – so they can hardly object to the dead running for office.) Sadly, that’s not our choice. Our choice is Hillary or Trump or a hopeless third party candidate, presumably Johnson and Stein.

But Hillary? Look, if Hitler and Hillary were on opposite sides on the same ballot, I’d have to say, “Well, I’m only a quarter Jewish; how bad could Hitler be?”

So, let’s look at Trump, shall we? Yeah, Trump’s vulgar and tacky. Yeah, he’s an adulterer. Yeah, he’s used bankruptcy – though quite legally, be it noted – as a business tool, even though he, himself, has never declared personal bankruptcy.2 Yeah, he sometimes says stupid crap. Yeah, he’s done what nearly every other businessman in the world has done, sucked up to politicians and given money to their campaigns in an attempt to buy influence. And we should attribute no less but also no more sincerity to that than we would to any other businessman who thinks he owes it to his shareholders to fund a congressman or -woman who will stay bought.

Here’s one thing, though; while the Clintons are in politics for the graft and the girls – yes, I suspect both for both of them – selling influence, peddling pardons, soliciting and accepting gifts from foreign entities that no one could call our friends, Trump has all the money he needs and doesn’t have a lot of trouble acquiring trophy wives and girlfriends infinitely better looking than, say, Monica Lewinsky and surely close matches to Elizabeth Ward Gracen.3 4


1 This is what we, in the business, call “a joke.” That it’s basically true only makes it funnier.

2 Although I don’t think he would do it, even if he could, and am not at all sure he could do it, even if he would, the idea of President Trump tossing the United States into bankruptcy as a tool of dumping the foreign and denationalized rich-held federal debt does send a little bit of a Chris Matthewsesque tingle up my spine.

3 What, you didn’t know Governor Bill, while married to Hillary, boffed the even now very lovely Miss Arkansas and later Miss America, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, who also later played Amanda on The Highlander? Or that he or Hillary, though I suspect her, allegedly ordered the IRS to go after Elizabeth when she ‘fessed up? “’Have Dick; Will Travel,’ reads the card of a man….” By the way, do you all remember Bill, looking pensive, walking the cliffs overlooking the Normandy beaches, back in 1994? No doubt a lot of people wondered just what he was thinking about. I’m pretty sure I know, and in his native idiom: “Shazzam! If only Ah’d a been alahve and a age back den, jes thinka all dem widow women I coulda…comforted.”

4 Oh, you want to know why I hate Bill Clinton’s guts? Because he had the political savvy to have been a truly great, moderate president, but he squandered it for a few bucks, or more likely a few million, and a couple of blowjobs.

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« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 10:29:50 pm by Doug Loss »
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