Author Topic: Did George Soros’s Protege Hungarian President Viktor Orban Just Sell Out Europe To The Muslims?  (Read 342 times)

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Offline Sanguine

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I don't know how credible this source is - tell me if you have information that it is not - but the bit on Hegelian Dialectic is good and informative.

I warned you last week that Hungarian President Viktor Orban would have to be judged by the merits of his actions and watched VERY carefully. I said this because, as I noted in my article, President Orban was a protege of George Soros’s Soros Foundation, and, how given that George Soros is playing a key role in this “refugee crisis,” it seems very odd that Orban is so opposed to the “refugees,” yet at the same time, Hungary is the port of entry for most of them.

I also noted another person in my article who was part of the Soros Foundation and who served as Mr. Orban’s tutor while at university. This was Zbigniew Pelczynski. If you read about Mr. Pelczynski, his speciality was in Hegelian dialectics.

The Hegelian dialectic was named after the German positivist philosopher Georg Hegel, and it is a way of reasoning that is used to determine truth, not by seeking an absolute standard, but through dialogue between two opposing points and seeking a resolution by “meeting in the middle.” The way it works is that the first person proposes an idea, which Hegel called a “thesis,” and another person proposes the opposite idea, called the “antithesis.” Since the assumption is that “truth” lies somewhere between these two extremes, the “thesis” and “antithesis” argue with each other to form a new outcome, which Hegel called the “synthesis.” If “truth” has not yet been reached, then the “synthesis” is proposed as the new “thesis,” a corresponding anthesis is proposed as well, and a new “synthesis” is developed. This is done as many times as in necessary until the “truth” is elucidated....