Author Topic: Bill Clinton's 'best friend': Why people are going to Trump. 'I don't think anybody else would have done it'  (Read 801 times)

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Bill Clinton's 'best friend': Why people are going to Trump
'I don't think anybody else would have done it'
Published: 17 hours ago

Dolly Kyle, a longtime girlfriend of Bill Clinton, has a message for Juanita Broaddrick: I believe you.

Kyle told WND she believes Clinton is capable of the 1978 sexual assault Broaddrick claims has haunted her ever since.

“I will say I completely believe everything Juanita has ever said about that,” Kyle told WND. “I also believe Hillary threatened her in the follow up. In terms of threats and intimidation, it was initially Billy who threatened to destroy me in 1992 if I cooperated with the media. I found it later it was Hillary who was behind the actual attacks against me through her sniveling sycophant Sidney Blumenthal. So this is what they’ve been doing forever.”

Kyle traces the Clintons’ sordid history of criminality, corruption and personal attacks against their victims in her new book “Hillary: The Other Woman.” She was recently contacted by Broaddrick via Twitter, and the two began talking.

“Talking to Juanita has confirmed everything I believed about her,” she told WND. “She’s a good, solid person and she is truthful. But she is hurt by all these things.”

Kyle said she felt compelled to apologize to Broaddrick because she once had a relationship with “Billy,” who at the time she thought was a “nice guy.” But she now believes her ex-boyfriend was a rapist who sexually assaulted Broaddrick.

“It makes me sick!” she exclaimed.

Kyle told WND that the issue wouldn’t be in the spotlight if it weren’t for one man – presumptive Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.

“This is the reason Trump is doing so well,” Kyle said. “We Americans grew up thinking people who went to Washington should be brave, should be our John Wayne or Davey Crockett or whatever. And we have been grossly disappointed.

“The people who are running against Trump didn’t have the courage to say anything against Clinton. Courage is what is missing in Washington. We don’t have a national backbone anymore. That’s why people are going to Trump – the man has a backbone.”

Los Angeles attorney Candice Jackson, the author of “Their Lives: The Woman Targeted By The Clinton Machine,” agrees with Kyle.

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“I firmly believe that the history of the GOP shows that nobody else would have been bold enough to bring this right back at the Clintons so directly, maybe not at all,” Jackson told WND. “It’s been in large part due to Donald Trump’s being willing to stand out there as a non-politically correct person, an outsider willing to throw it right back at them. I don’t think anybody else would have done it. I think a lot of us would have been talking about Bill and Hillary’s mistreatment of women, but no doubt it’s going to be a lot more effective when the Republican nominee is actually willing to say the words.”

And Jackson says the Clintons had better be ready, because this is just the beginning.

“I think that there are several women out there who are willing to talk again even though they have been silent for a long time,” Jackson said. “Dolly Kyle, Juanita Broaddrick in the new interview she just did with me are two. Kathleen Willey has been very consistent in speaking up for a long time. I don’t think this is going to go away anytime soon.”

Some of these stories have been familiar to Clinton critics for decades. However, Jackson says today is different because of how society has evolved in terms of listening to alleged victims of sexual assault.

“It’s reaching a different audience,” said Jackson. “And it’s being considered outside the scope of pure politics and from the perspective of the credibility of these women. There’s no impeachment hearings going on, there’s no Ken Starr with his prosecutions going on. So now it’s really hitting the Clintons with this long line of women who have been mistreated in different ways by them. People are more willing to take that into account.

“There’s justice in how feminism is coming back to bite Hillary. Juanita Broaddrick was ready to stay silent this campaign; she’s built a really good life for herself and doesn’t want any part of the spotlight. But it was Hillary Clinton’s tweet back in November saying we need to believe all victims of sexual assault which pushed her over the edge. She took it personally. She felt like if Hillary is out there saying that publicly and yet has denied and smeared me, I can’t stay quiet.”

Unfortunately for Hillary Clinton, she is closely tied to Bill’s long history of alleged criminality, both because of her own history as an enabler and because she has said her husband would have a prominent role in her administration. In a recent speech, Hillary suggested she would put Bill Clinton in charge of economic policy.

“You get two for one,” said Jackson of the Clintons. “Bill said that when he ran; Hillary’s saying that when she’s running, and that’s something which isn’t going to change anytime soon. It’s not like she can separate herself from any of the accusations against Bill.

“I think the critical piece that’s coming through in all these stories is just how involved Hillary was in all of this. We can’t let her stand by as some ‘wronged wife’ and say her husband was cheating on her and all of this. This is about systematic abuse of women and she had her hands on all of this.”

Ninety percent of readers at are giving this explosive new book a FIVE STAR REVIEW. Don’t miss the book that is going to shape the 2016 election and which blows the lid once and for all off the Clintons’ culture of corruption. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the incredible true story of Dolly Kyle, “Billy” Clinton’s childhood friend and ex-girlfriend. Don’t miss it!

Clinton is already showing signs of weakness. Though Clinton still leads Trump by a small margin in the RealClearPolitics average of polls, two recent polls show Trump moving into the lead. A Fox News poll shows a full 10 point swing in Trump’s direction. And even as Republicans are consolidating behind Trump, the Democrats remain fiercely divided, with Bernie Sanders continuing his campaign and even suggesting he’ll try to persuade superdelegates that he is more electable than Clinton.

But Jackson says it is too late for the Democrats to save themselves.

“Hillary will not drop out; she has enough support in the upper reaches of her party and in the mainstream media,” she told WND. “I don’t see an indictment coming down, and I don’t see public pressure of any kind forcing her to drop out. I think she’s on her way to the nomination. But her attempts so far to just ignore Bill Clinton’s history are going to wear very thin once we get into the general election. And she’s not going to be able to counter-attack against Trump.”

Indeed, Kyle argues it’s not just Hillary Clinton who is an enabler of Billy Clinton. It’s the entire Democrat leadership.

“The leadership of the Democratic Party has now stepped into the role of enabling the Clintons,” she charged. “The Democrat leaders are acting like people in a house who know that someone living there is sexually abusing the kids next door. But they can’t admit it, and they won’t talk about it. Then someone else in the house goes and threatens the kids next door, warning them to keep their mouths shut or get hurt worse.

“The Democratic Party, by failing to address this issue, is acting like a sick, dysfunctional family enabling sick, dysfunctional behavior. Criminal behavior. The Democrat leaders who are pushing Hillary, and probably stealing the nomination from Bernie, need to be called to task for this.”

Kyle said there’s only one thing Democrat leaders can say if they don’t want to be considered enablers in what she regards as Bill Clinton’s long history of sexual abuse.

“They need to say, ‘The Clintons are guilty, they’re sick criminals and we repudiate them,'” Kyle stated. “If they don’t do that, they are perpetuating the abuse.”

Ninety percent of readers at are giving this explosive new book a FIVE STAR REVIEW. Don’t miss the book that is going to shape the 2016 election and which blows the lid once and for all off the Clintons’ culture of corruption. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the incredible true story of Dolly Kyle, “Billy” Clinton’s childhood friend and ex-girlfriend. Don’t miss it!