Author Topic: Sarah Palin: Donald Trump Should Keep Pro-Life GOP Platform Without Changes  (Read 363 times)

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Sarah Palin: Donald Trump Should Keep Pro-Life GOP Platform Without Changes

Steven Ertelt   May 9, 2016   |   10:18AM

Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin says likely GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump should keep the pro-life platform as is without any changes. The comments from Palin, who has endorsed and been a spokesperson for Trump, come after Trump said the Republican party platform should “absolutely” be changed to include exceptions for rape and incest.

As reported, in an April interview, Trump said he “absolutely” wants to change the Republican party’s current pro-life platform to promote abortions in cases of rape or incest.

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Q: Would you want to change the Republican platform so that exceptions would be made on abortions in the case of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother?

A: “Yes I would. Absolutely, for the three exceptions, I would,” he said. Trump was then pressed further and asked if he would make an exception to protect the “health” of the mother. “I would leave it for the life of the mother, but I would absolutely have the three exceptions.”

Now, Palin says the pro-life platform should be kept intact.

TAPPER: Donald Trump recently said he wants to change the Republican Party platform as it relates to abortion. He wants the party’s opposition to abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. Now, when you ran for vice president, you ran on a platform that has no exceptions. Do you agree or disagree with Trump’s call to change the platform to allow for exceptions?

PALIN: I don’t want the platform to change, no. That culture of life that will be built upon the pro-life views that the majority of conservatives and Republicans hold, I respect that. I — there’s — I don’t think that there’s a need for that to change. But, when it comes to abortion, it’s very sensitive. It’s very — it’s such a personal issue. I think that the plank in the platform is the way it should be. And I respect and support and want it to stay that way. 

Offline don-o

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High profile endorser wandering off the reservation.

Though, the rest of the story shows her marginalizing the issue, I give her credit fot standing firm for life.

Offline sinkspur

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Palin is such a parody, a joke.  Other than a few post-50-year-old-males with lust in their eyes, who really cares what she thinks?
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline ScottinVA

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Apparently Sarah didn't get the memo The Donald has already started backpedaling on abortion as well.  Now we're at the "except for rape and incest" point.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 03:49:59 pm by ScottinVA »